RAS_JoyBOX is Emulator machine on the Raspberry-Pi.
Ras Joy-BOX Play RetroPie with Based on the recalbox team gpio joystick on the Raspberry-Pi Emulator Merchine :
- https://retropie.org.uk/
- https://github.com/recalbox/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi
- http://wiki.rasplay.org/doku.php?id=community:rasjoybox
How to Make RAS-Joy BOX here : http://www.rasplay.org/?cat=1058
RaspberryPi Village RAS Joy-BOX Open-Project Picture
RAS JoyBOX 12T type MDF Case Drawing and Sheet, 2015 Ver.
- MDF Drawing And Sheet Here ※ After this files download, you can do order it on the laser processing station.
GPIO Joystick at the RaspberryPi
- About more install and how to use and description through here.
Support CLCD Function at the RAS Joy-BOX
- About more install and how to use and description through here.
If you try to read or write on i2c with a tool like i2cget or i2cset when the driver is loaded, you are gonna have a bad time...
If you try i2cdetect when the driver is running, it will show you strange peripheral addresses...
256MB Raspberry Pi Model B is not supported by the current driver. If you want to make the driver work on your old RPi, you will have to change the address of BSC1_BASE to (BCM2708_PERI_BASE + 0x205000) in order to use the correct i2c address, and recompile.