This role installs the virtualbox guest additions. It removes already installed version, if the desired version is different from the currently installed one.
This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher.
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
# this version determines the version of the guest additions that will be installed
virtualbox_version: 5.0.26
# the checksum of the iso fil
iso_checksum: "sha256:7458ee5a7121a7d243fd6a7528ba427945d9120c5efc7cd75b3951fb01f09c59"
# specifiy where the downloaded iso file will be placed
iso_download_path: "/opt"
# mount path where iso will mounted
iso_mount_path: /mnt/virtualbox
# easier path based on above variables
virtualbox_iso_path: "{{iso_download_path}}/VBoxGuestAdditions_{{virtualbox_version}}.iso"
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- rattermeyer.virtualbox-guest
Richard Attermeyer