The project encompasses a user friendly bus ticket booking system, which allows only authorized users to book tickets after logging in successfully.
In this site There is a beautifull user authentication
system and user can book his tickets and access his tickets only when he logged in
to this website.
There is a Query
Section where user can message
to us or call
to us if user is in emergency
and there is contact number for tracking
of bus
There is a link
named Search Bus
where user can enter his origin
and destination
state and if there is/are bus
which routes are subroutes or routes which user want then he get all the bus otherwise he get a message saying that no bus with this route.
After getting all the bus my app ask user to enter number of tickets
the user wants.And if he tried to enter seats greater than the Available seats then he cant able to book tickets.He can able to book tickets only if there is enough seats are available such that his requirements are satisfied.
User have to enter
all the details
of each passenger
which gonna travel
through our bus.After submitting form he get an success message which signifies that his ticket/s is booked.
class Passenger(models.Model):
pass_id = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
name = models.CharField(max_length =100)
adhaarId = models.BigIntegerField()
birth_date = models.DateField(
def __str__(self):
return " ".join([str(self.pass_id),])
class Tickets(models.Model):
ticket_id = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
passenger = models.ForeignKey('Passenger',on_delete=models.CASCADE)
routes = models.ForeignKey('Routes',on_delete=models.CASCADE,default=1)
trip = models.ForeignKey('TripDate',on_delete=models.CASCADE,default=1)
ticketpassenger = models.ForeignKey("passengerTicket",on_delete=models.CASCADE,default=1)
def index(request):
busstand = BusStand.objects.values('name')
bus = Bus.objects.all()
n = len(bus)
n_slides = n//2 + ceil((n/2)-(n//2))
return render(request,'BusTracking/index.html',{"bus":bus,"range":range(1,n_slides),"busstand":busstand})