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Web Application to Search Movies, Trailers and Add Reviews


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Description : Web Application to Search Movies, Trailers and Add Reviews

Tech Stack : Spring Boot, MongoDB, ReactJS, Material UI

Overview :

  1. Spring Boot : creates REST endpoints for fetching and manipulating data from a MongoDB cluster
  2. MongoDB : Stores extensive, large scale movies and reviews data as collections in JSON format
  3. ReactJS : Utilizes React components to build dynamic user interfaces for frontend rendering
  4. Material UI : Employs carousel feature to display data with interactive animation and indicators

How to Configure MongoDB :

  1. Watch this video to setup MongoDB cluster ->
  2. Under Network Access, add IP Address as to allow global access
  3. Open MongoDB Compass and connect to your Cluster using the Connection String
  4. Create a new Database, then create a Collection called movies (mandatory name) inside the Database
  5. Goto Dataset/ and upload movie-dataset-small.json (provides faster response) to the movies Collection
  6. A sample MongoDB Connection String looks like -> mongodb+srv://username:password@cluster
  7. Goto Backend/src/main/resources/.env and edit the .env file to add your own credentials from Steps 4 & 6

How to Configure Ngrok (optional) :

  1. Watch this video to setup Ngrok ->
  2. Setup Ngrok multiple ports tunelling ->
  3. Edit the script ngrok.yml present in the base directory to add your own Auth Token at line no. 5
  4. Run the script ngrok.yaml in CMD, by using the command [ngrok start --config ngrok.yml --all]
  5. Copy Ngrok forwarding URL for http://localhost:8080, a sample URL would look like ->
  6. Goto Frontend/cinemint/src/api/axiosConfig.js and paste the copied URL on line no. 4 under baseURL
  7. Uncomment line nos. 2 to 6 and comment line nos. 8 to 10 instead, as we won't be needing the localhost URL
  8. Access the application by visiting Ngrok forwarding URL (public) for http://localhost:3000 on your Browser

How to Run (Windows) :

  1. Goto path "Backend/" in Terminal
  2. Run Backend by running the command [mvn spring-boot:run]
  3. Goto path "Frontend/cinemint/" in Terminal
  4. Run command [npm install] to install all necessary Node Modules
  5. Run Frontend by running the command [npm start]
  6. Goto http://localhost:3000 on your Browser to access the Application
  7. If using Ngrok, goto Ngrok forwarding URL for http://localhost:3000 on your Browser

Sample Screenshots :

API Documentation :

  1. Retrieve Movie by ID -> GET /movie/id/{tmdbId}
  2. Retrieve All Movies -> GET /movie/all
  3. Retrieve Movies by Keyword -> GET /movie/all/{keyword}
  4. Create a New Review -> POST /review
  5. Retrieve Reviews by Movie ID -> GET /review/id/{tmdbId}