Web app that allows github users search work in projects published by other github users. Also, it helps project creators to find github users who worked previously withe the main language that is used in the project. Once an user and a project owner liked each other they will be connectede by chat.
You can find the web app here https://coderhunt.herokuapp.com. If you want to run locally the project you must follow the next steps.
git clone https://github.com/ravelinx22/CoderHunt.git
cd CoderHunt
meteor npm install
"CLIENT_ID": "---------------",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "------------------",
"AWSAccessKeyId": "--------------------",
"AWSSecretAccessKey": "-----------------------"
meteor --settings settings.json
The project runs in http://localhost:3000/
In Windows you need to run the terminal as administrator
meteor test --driver-package=cultofcoders:mocha --port 3100
- Meteor
- React
- HammerJS
- Amazon S3
- William Ravelo Mendez -ravelinx22
- Nicolas Aguilar Leon -naguilar12