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Advanced Polybar Module Configuration (MX-Linux/Debian and Arch Distros)

Polybar configuration with patched and improved modules for Awesome, i3 and XFCE4. Base design fits to MX-Linux (Debian Stable) and Arch Distros.

Inherited and extended sources

This project configures and extend github polybar sources from

NOTE: If you love this polybar - please add git stars to listed projects!


Polybar Forest/Default in AwesomeWM

Polybar Forest/Gruvbox FXCE4 with MPRIS (Spotify) Example

Polybar Forest/Gruvbox FXCE4 with MPRIS - Spotify, Netflix, Youtube, text cycling and improved controls Example

Polybar Forest/Gruvbox FXCE4 with MPRIS (Spotify) Example

Polybar Forest/Default i3 Configured Modules Example

Polybar Forest/Default i3 Configured Modules Example


The main goal of this project is complete and enhanced configuration of polybar modules for MX-Linux and Arch systems.

Inherited actual theme is Forest with few styles colormaps from:

Supported all modules already included in the polybar-themes project.

Added Enhanced Modules

  • Weather Module for Open Weather site with Nerd Fonts.
  • MPRIS Module - with scrolling and activity icon - support all players Spotify, MPD, Youtube, Netflix,...
  • Polywins Module - Opened application administration support
  • Network Improved Modules
  • AMD Ryzen and new AMD GPUs Temperatures Modules
  • Workspaces Enhanced Module
  • Update Module - for MX-Linux and Arch Distros
  • System Module - for MX-Linux and Arch Distros changed


Install following programs on your system before you use these themes.

  • Polybar : Ofcourse, the bar itself
  • Rofi : App launcher, network, power and style menus
  • networkmanager_dmenu : network modules (debian only)
  • mpris and playerctl : Spotify and other music services
  • zscroll : Text cycling library for music player (zscroll-git from AUR or compile it directly from git for Debian)
  • wmctrl : polywins service library


Here's a list of all fonts used by these themes.

Text Fonts

  • Iosevka Nerd Font
  • Noto Sans
  • Droid Sans
  • Terminus

Icon Fonts

  • Iosevka Nerd Font
  • Icomoon Feather

I strictly recommend to call script from polybar-themes git repo, because it is installed all necessary fonts from here:


Follow the steps below to install polybar on your system.

  • First, Clone this repository -
$ git clone
  • Change to cloned directory and make executable -
$ cd polybar-config
$ chmod +x scripts/*
  • Backup your polybar settings (if you already have).
  • Copy dir polybar dir . to your ~/.config/polybar user directory.
  • That's it, This polybar is now installed on your system.

Polybar Configuration

  • Set correct network interfaces
In user_modules.ini:

# set correct interface parameter
interface = enp38s0
  • Set correct sensors for your CPU and GPUs
In modules.ini:
temp-gpu and temp-cpu modules
for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do echo "$(<$(dirname $i)/name): $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*})) $(readlink -f $i)"; done
and copy required sensors values to the fields.
  • Set your free/paid OpenWeather API ID and City in script

NOTE: For AwesomeWM only, set modules.ini module workspaces: pin-workspaces = false and config.ini: override-redirect = true In addition, there is necessary to make trick - create empty wibar with same length and insert it to same position with polybar.

  • That's it, the polybar is fully configured now.

Launch the bar

To launch the bar with the selected theme, Just...

  • Open the terminal and enter the following command -
$ bash ~/.config/polybar/
  • You can add the same command to your WM autostart file to launch the bar on login. For example, to launch the bar at startup on openbox, add following lines in $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart This polybar is optimized for fce4, i3 and partially for awesomewm. But it can be used for many others VMs with little modifications.
## Launch Polybar
bash ~/.config/polybar/

Change Colormap of Themes

Right-Click to launcher button (left side first button with rofi) starts the selector of color maps. Select Look and Feel.


Advanced Polybar Modules Configuration







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