raven - Client SDK for Raven Api This is the SDK Documentation of Raven. You can find out more about Raven at https://ravenapp.dev/.
Installation (via npm)
npm install @ravenappdev/raven --save
You will need to get a Raven API key to get started. You can sign up and create one for free at ravenapp.dev.
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
import { RavenClient } from "raven";
const config = {
// Configure API key authorization
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY",
const raven = RavenClient(config);
var appId = "appId_example"; // {String} app id of raven app
var event = {
//event payload for bulk event to be trggered
var opts = {
//other options
idempotencyKey: uuidv4(),
raven.sendBulk({ appId, event, opts }).then(
function (response) {
console.log("API called successfully. Returned response: " + response);
function (error) {
All URIs are relative to https://api.ravenapp.dev
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
RavenClient | sendBulk | POST /v1/apps/{app_id}/events/bulk_send | sends the event in bulk to all the clients specified |
RavenClient | send | POST /v1/apps/{app_id}/events/send | sends the event to the client specified |