The task is to write a cpp program to calculate the sum of even fibonacci numbers using class.
- Development Environment: Ubuntu 18.04
- IDE : Clion
- Build Tool: Cmake 3.14
- 3rd Party Library: Boost
- Every 3rd number in the fibonacci series is even number. Based on the formula expansion. Ref1, Ref2.
- Therefore, considering the 0th number as 0 and the next even number as 2, the program calculate the even number.
- The program uses cpp_int data type of boost library to increase the limit of expansion. [Ref] (
- CMake downloads the boost library locally if it is not present in system environment.
- The program is not written for the Negative numbers.
- Test the results with different data types like gmp_int, tom_int, etc.
- Use Boost Test for the Unit Testing of the Module.
Feel free to suggest improvement.