A landing page for a Programmer's Portfolio. It employs the use of HTML, CSS to build it. 11-07-2021
The website, a landing page for a portfolio is divided into the following sections:
- A header section with an introductory message.
- A profile section which contains the bio of the programmer.
- A skills section, which highlights the languages the programmer is eloquent in.
- A projects section, which highlights and describes a couple of projects the programmer has done or collaborated in.
- An about section, which details the inspiration and intentions of the programmer in their software development career.
- A footer section.
To view the website,
- click Ray's Portfolio or
- copy the link https://ray-odero93.github.io/Portfolio-Landing-Page/ paste it to your browser and load it.
There are no known bugs.
MIT (c) Raymond Odero (https://github.com/ray-odero93)