This is an 8-bit weather forecast website featuring a fictional character, Mr.Puff, as your weather man.
This project was completed for The Code the Dream advanced pre-work assignment.The aim of the assignment was to build a website using a given selection of public APIs. I choose Open-Meteo - a weather API.
- Vanilla JS
- CSS3
You will need a web browser to view this project. No set up required. Works best on:
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
Deployed on GitHub Pages
Click on the above live demo link. You will see a searchbox labeled "Enter US City Name"
- Step 1. Type in the name of a US city. No need to type in the state.
- Step 2. Hit the enter key. City name will display below.
- Step 3. Current temperature will display at the top of the box.
- Step 4. Display the weather condition by clicking the "Show Condition" link at the bottom.
- Step 5. Click "Show Temperature" to display the current temperature again.
Design inspired by 8-bit retro gaming and SVG Weather Vectors
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Show your love by hitting the ⭐️ button, I'd really appreciate it.