Fullstack fully scalable MERN Movie Application for movie lovers
The Movies Vault is a comprehensive MERN stack application designed for movie enthusiasts. It offers a scalable and responsive platform where users can explore, review, and manage movies seamlessly.
- React.js with Redux Toolkit (RTK) for efficient state management.
- RTK Query for streamlined API calls.
- React Router DOM for smooth navigation.
- React Slick with Slick Carousel for an enhanced carousel experience.
- React Toastify for notifications.
- React Icons for visually appealing icons.
- Tailwind CSS for modern and responsive styling.
- Built with Node.js and Express.js.
- Multiple RESTful APIs for various functionalities.
- Secure registration and login process using JWT tokens, sent as HTTP-Only Cookies.
- Admin Dashboard with features to:
- Create, update, and delete movies and genres.
- Delete user reviews/comments.
- Display real-time subscriber counts.
- Showcases newly added, top-rated, and suggested movies.
- Advanced filtering based on user interests.
- Users can browse movies, read and write reviews/comments.
- User profile management including name, email, and password updates.
- MongoDB with Mongoose for robust data management.
- Both frontend and backend are deployed on Render.com using their free service. Initial load may take a minute due to cold booting.
Home Page
Movie Details Page
Admin Dashboard Page
Movies Collection Page
Enjoy your movie experience with The Movies Vault! 🎥🍿
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Created with ❤️ by Razak Attar