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Global Data Attributes

arisbartee edited this page Jan 7, 2011 · 2 revisions
  • data-theme: accepts a letter of a theming box (a,b,c)
  • data-role: used to specify the type of enhanced control a particular element will play. Example: <ul data-role="listview"... will create a listview from a list.
    • supported roles:
      • page
        • header
        • content
        • footer (note: footers can have a data-id attr to specify footers that should stay visible when transitioning to another page with a footer of the same data-id.)
        • navlist
        • listview
        • dialog
        • button
        • page
        • controlgroup
        • fieldcontain
        • collapsible
        • collapsible-set A set that contains multiple collapsibles, when you open one the other gets closed.
        • nojs
        • ajaxform
  • data-rel: used on a link to specify the data-role of the linked page. Example: data-rel="dialog" will create a dialog.
  • data-fullscreen:
  • data-transition:
  • data-position:

Note: see individual plugin pages for plugin-specific data- attributes.