This repository's only purpose is to demonstrate the Dynamic PDF Core Suite's issue when signing document with TSA using an ECDSA certificate.
- OS version: Windows 11
- .NET version: .NET Framework 4.8
- Dynamic PDF Core Suite .NET version: 12.22.0
The console application can be built with VS2022, but older version's may work. After compiling the project, run the executable which will crash with the following:
Unhandled exception: System.NotSupportedException: The certificate key algorithm is not supported.
at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.get_PrivateKey()
at ceTe.DynamicPDF.Certificate.#kJ(Byte[] #xmc, #UKe #ymc)
at #6lc.#2uc.#kJ(Byte[] #xmc, #UKe #ymc)
at ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document.Draw(Stream stream)
at ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document.Draw(String filePath)
at DynamicPDF_TSA_Issue.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Projects\_FORNAX_\DynamicPDF_TSA_Issue\Program.cs:line 27
The project is using a seld-signed certificate with Elliptic Curve Digital Signiture Algorithm (ECDSA) using 384 bits private key.
The certificate was generated with OpenSSL, using the following commands:
- Generate the 384 bits private key using secp384r1 named curve:
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private_key_384.pem
- Create the certificate signing request (CSR):
openssl req -new -key ec_private_key_384.pem -out ec_csr.pem
- Generate the self-signed certificate:
openssl req -x509 -key ec_private_key_384.pem -in ec_csr.pem -out ec_certificate_384.pem -days 365
- Pack the private key and certificate into a PKCS#12 (.pfx) file with a tool like KeyStoreExplorer.
Inspecting the exception's stack trace, the DynamicPDF Core Suite library calls the X509Certificate2
property which is an obsolete method, instead, GetRSAPrivateKey()
, GetDSAPrivateKey()
, or
should be called.