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rbn42 edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 13 revisions

Background transparency

To achieve background transparency, after installing panon, go to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/panon/contents/ui/main.qml in your home directory, alter the following part and add the line marked below:

   Plasmoid.preferredRepresentation: Plasmoid.compactRepresentation
++ Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore.Types.NoBackground

Cannot load the Visual Effects page in the configuration dialog

If your KDE Framework older than 5.63, your system will not provide the qml component NewStuff.Button required by the Visual Effects page. There are 2 solutions.

  1. Downgrade panon to version 0.3.1, which does not require this component.
  2. Remove the component manually from ConfigEffect.qml.
import org.kde.newstuff 1.1 as NewStuff
NewStuff.Button {
    downloadNewWhat: i18n("Effects")
    configFile: Utils.get_root() + "/config/panon.knsrc"
         * Triggers the executable DataSource to execute this line again: 
         * if(shaderOptions.count<1)return[sh_get_visual_effects]
         * So that the list model shaderOptions will be refreshed.

Module “QtWebSockets” is not installed

This error has been mentioned in tj-wolf’s comments in and in

I guess plasma will be able to find the module after restarted. If you encounter this error after installed qt5-websockets, you can try

  1. Restart plasma-shell or latte-dock.
  2. Logout the Plasma session.

“python -m panon.backend” is still alive after a panon widget is removed manually

When a panon widget is removed manually from the Plasma desktop, a process called “python -m panon.backend” will be left alive. The process will be killed when plasma itself is killed (or you can find and kill this process manually). But before that, the process may affect audio performance.