I'm Ramazan, currently pursuing my studying in software engineering from 42's campus in Amsterdam named Codam. I take great care in the experience, and code quality of the things I build. I am trying to give a strong vision for my developer friends and colleagues which helps them to make their development workflow as much as easy as possible!
I believe self-education is the truest form of education and I am a passionate self-taught software engineer, documenting my process of learning & growing every day.
I'm updating all my projects for Codam/42Amsterdam to a dedicated organization for them. Check them out here!
You can also find my personal project called "Jouthful", where I brought my own startup idea to life, in the organization here!.
Find out more about me & feel free to connect:
- 💬 ask me about anything, i am happy to help; Reach here! :)
And If you like what i do, maybe consider buying me a coffee/tea 🥺👉👈