Rcilogic Enterprise Microservices
REM - is a boundle of microservices, based on different technologies and provides some useful tools for Enteprise networks (commonly based on MS Active Directory
ADAuth [c#
,ASP.NET Core 6.0
] (service) - provides windows-authentication for specified services. Generates signed JWT with user's data
REMCommons [swift
] (library) - contains common tools and settings used by other services, e.g. config helpers, db settings, etc.
REMAuth [swift
] (service) - main backend auth service. Generates Redis session for authentiated users. It also puts session key to users cookie.
REMConnectionTracker [swift
] (service) Connects to remote servers (targets) using SSH, then sends script (Bash / Powershell / etc) and returns result. Possible target types:
- IIS (parsing logs using Microsoft Log Parser 2.2 COM API).
Browser ---> (https:443) nginx: rem.example.com/...
/* ---> (http:80) REMFrontend
/auth/ ---> (http:8081) REMAuth
/api/connectiontracker/ ---> (http:8082) REMConnectionTracker
Browser ---> (https:443) ADAuth: adauth.example.com/
Windows authentication
Windows authentication button
redirect (GET): rem.example.com/auth/adauth (nginx ---> REMAuth)
redirect (POST): adauth.example.com/ (ADAuth)
redirect (POST): rem.example.com/auth/adauth (nginx ---> REMAuth)
redurect (GET): rem.example.com/ (nginx ---> REMFrontend)