Looking for a next step in developing and raising my programming/computer science/engineering skills, I've stumbled upon Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. Others describe it as a masterpiece on basics of computer science and software engineering, that promises to get you to a deeper level of understanding of the magic of computer programming.
I'm looking forward to covering the entire book, and all of it's exercises, by the end of 2025.
My goals for 2025, regarding SICP, are:
- Read SICP book, cover to cover (available here);
- Watch MIT 6.001 video lectures (available here);
- Solve all exercises from the book;
- Write about my progress, on each chapter, covering the resources read, videos watched, exercises solved, tools used.
I've been inspired by other people, like @ivanjovanovic and @abrantesasf, that have been keeping journals like this. I take this opportunity to thank them and hope that, by writing this, I will be able to give back and help others on their journey of development.