Reimplementation and extension weatherstation uisng 2 Nodemcu esp32 in a master slave configuration.
master node (weather_master.ino)
- BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor
- DS3231-mini rtc
- MQ-7 CO sensor
slave node (weather_outside.ino)
- GUVA-S12SD analog UV sensor
- BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor
- generic SPI SD card adapter up to 32G
- SSD1306 128x64 monochrome display
- Logging of sensor data on a set interval.
- data from slave device - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, UV index.
- data from master device - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Altitude, CO ppm.
- Clock syncing with ntp.
- Clock with daylight savings/timezone adjustments.
- Moon rise/set calculation using MoonRise.h.
- Moon angle and illuminated surface using moonPhase.h.
- Sun rise/set calculation SunRise.h.
- Showing curated information for the sensors on display.
- Short term weather forecast and pressure trend using zambretti algorithm (modified to have persistent data of past predictions with a file on the S card).
- Persistent configuration of some parameters via a json file.
- Battery % reporting from slave device. (currently unused)
- Connects to a wireless network with provided credentials.
- Creates its own hotspot with baked in password and ssid if it cant find it/connect.
- Very simple configuration page to edit some of the settings. Changing a setting would require a restart to take effect.
- A simple dashboard to show information from sensors every few seconds.
- Web pages are intentionally spartan and are more of a proof of concept.
- Ntp client to synchronise clocks if connected to a network.
- Slave device communicates over esp_now.
File should be placed in sd card root conf.json
"ssid":"Rosko", // ssid connect to
"pass":"12345678", // password for that network
"dssid":"E32Wtr-St", // ssid of default hotspot
"dpass":"12345678", // password to be set there
"gmt":"2", // gmt compensate
"useds":"1", // use Daylight savings
"syncntp":"1", // enable syncing with ntp
"log_delay":"600000", // log interval in ms
"lat":"42.6977", // Latitude
"lon":"23.3219" // Longitude
- CO ppm
- Atmospheric reading.s inside (temp,pressure,altitude,humidity)
- Atmospheric readings outside (temp,pressure,humidity, uv idx)
- Time and Date, current IP of device
- Time and Date adjusted with Daylight savings and Timezone, current IP of device
- Time of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset moon phase angle and illumination %
- Weather forecast and Pressure trend
- Runs in its own thread.
- Moon and Sun calculations
- MoonPhase
- MoonRise
- SunRise
- CO detector
- MQ7Sensor
- SD card fs and Configuration
- FS
- SD
- ArduinoJson
- Web server
- ESPAsyncWebSrv
- WiFiProv
- WiFi
- NTPClient
- DS3231
- Display
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- BME280
- Adafruit_BME280