This repository contains the source files and site generator for the Reach Developer Portal.
Clone this repository to your computer:
git clone
Change directory:
cd reach-developer-portal
Convert source files to website files.
make build
(Node.js and npm are required. I use Node.js v16.3.0.)
make serve-up
You can turn it off with
make serve-down
. -
Browse to or http://localhost:8081.
Create a page folder (e.g. colors-and-shapes):
mkdir -p en/pages/colors-and-shapes
Create an file inside your page folder:
touch en/pages/colors-and-shapes/
Add content to the file. For sample content, browse to the Sample Page, click the Pencil icon, click the second Pencil icon, and copy.
Generate the webpage:
node tools/generator.js -t folder -d en/pages/colors-and-shapes
Consider the following file:
# Colors and Shapes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...
Because this file specifies no frontmatter, the corresponding webpage reflects default options:
Adding frontmatter to an file changes the presentation and/or behavior of the corresponding webpage. Note the added frontmatter:
author: Sarah Smiles
hasOtp: false
hasPageScrollbar: false
menuItem: mi-docs
publishedDate: 2021-09-30T14:00:00
# Colors and Shapes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...
The corresponding webpage reflects the newly specified options:
Below is a table of the current page configuration options:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
author | string | null | Displays "By" + author. |
hasEditBtn | boolean | true | Displays or hides the pencil icon. |
hasOtp | boolean | true | Displays or hides the On This Page panel. |
hasPageHeader | boolean | true | Displays or hides the title, icons, author, and publication date. |
hasPageScrollbar | boolean | true | Displays or hides the page scrollbar. Scrolling works either way. |
hasRefreshBtn | boolean | true | Displays or hides the refresh icon. |
menuItem | string | null | Internal use at this point. |
publishedDate | string | null | Displays or hides the publication date. Use 2021-09-30T14:00:00 GMT format. |
Each webpage traces its source to a folder within the books or pages directories.
The books directory contains book, chapter, and leaf folders which correspond to book, chapter, and leaf webpages:
The pages directory contains standalone and dummy folders. Standalone folders correspond to webpages. Dummy folders do not correspond to webpages. Instead, they provide a user-determined organizational hierarchy for standalone folders.
Each page folder (book, chapter, leaf, standalone) houses an file containing the source for the webpage.
The file conforms to Github-flavored markdown. It often begins with a hash symbol + space + page title:
# Demo Page
It may contain headings, paragraphs, lists, code snippets, tables, html, etc. as demonstrated on the Demo Page. It may also contain links to supplemental files (e.g. images) that reside in the same folder, and links to external resources (e.g. videos):
The various screen widths (seen below) determine whether a user sees, on initial load, a book column versus an expander hamburger (on the left) and an on-this-page (otp) column versus an expander hamburger (on the right).
The user explicitly expanding or collapsing the OTP column sets a "preferred state" flag which the application applies to every medium, large, or extra large page the user visits. Reloading the JavaScript file clears this flag. I could save this state to localStorage, but I don't see an immediate need.
Reach colors are reddish (#F45747), light blueish (#6AC6E7), and inkish (#1A1C23).
background: "url(/en/pages/home/stars2.jpeg), rgba(var(--bs-dark-rgb),var(--bs-bg-opacity))"
A Node.js command-line application, the site generator which, for the most part, transforms markdown files into html files, will continue to evolve over the next few months. Here is the current help menu:
$ node tools/generator.js -h
-h, --help Show help. [boolean]
-v, --version Show version. [boolean]
-d, --dir Specify dirpath. [string] [default: ""]
-e, --edit Add edit button to page. [boolean] [default: true]
-l, --language Specify language (e.g. en, zh). [string] [default: "en"]
-r, --refresh Add refresh button to page. [boolean] [default: true]
-t, --type Specify file type. [string] [required] [choices: "all", "base", "book", "css", "folder", "folders", "js"]
generator.js -t all
generator.js -t book -d books/demo
generator.js -t css
generator.js -t base -l en
generator.js -t folder -d en/books/demo
generator.js -t folders -d en/books/demo
generator.js -t js
Below are some additional examples.
If you modify an file (e.g. en/books/demo/amphibians/frogs
), you regenerate the corresponding webpage with the folder
$ node tools/generator.js -t folder -d en/books/demo/amphibians/frogs
If you modify various files within a hierarchy (e.g. en/books/demo
), you regenerate all the corresponding webpages with the folders
$ node tools/generator.js -t folders -d en/books/demo