This repo is experimental.
In order to progress faster and to avoid work which has already been done elsewhere, it would be great to build on a framework. So we decided to try to build on top of an IDE which is web-based and can be integrated in tauri to build a full-stack application.
- Use tauri to provide a full application which is able to combine frontend and backend
- Integrate the Inexor RGF runtime via the tauri backend
- Integrate VS Code Web as an IDE framework to build on top
- Implement the flow editor as set of extensions for VS Code web
- Milestone 1: Make VS Code run in tauri ✓
- Milestone 2: Simple extension, experiment with the possibilities of VS Code extensions
- Milestone 3: Virtual File System: Experiment if it is possible to represent the type system (and instance system) as virtual file system
- Milestone 4: Runtime Manager: Manage multiple runtimes (both local / temporary and remote)
- Milestone 5: Manage Plugins of a Runtime
- Milestone 6: Manage Remotes of a Runtime
- Milestone 7: Type System: Components (CRUD)
- Milestone 8: Type System: Entity Types (CRUD)
- Milestone 9: Type System: Relation Types (CRUD)
- Milestone 10: Type System: Flow Types (CRUD)
- Milestone 11: Instance System: Entity Instances (CRUD)
- Milestone 12: Instance System: Relation Instances (CRUD)
- Milestone 13: Instance System: Flow Instances (CRUD)
- Milestone 14: Implement an editor for Flow Types using
- Milestone 15: Implement an editor and debugger for Flow Instances using reactflow
- Virtual File System
- Connect vscode notifications with tauri system notifications
- Important: Use Node >= 16.17, <= 17