- Auth (Login/Register/Forgot password/ Recaptha)
- Dashboard
- User Management
- Role Management
- Permission Management
- Multi Lang
- File Manager (Used Modal)
- Settings
- Profile
- Language Management
- Filter, Secure CRSF, Validation
- Google Auth, Gitthub Auth
git clone https://github.com/reactmore/morelab.git
composer install
php spark db:create
php spark migrate
php spark db:seed Development
|| If you update from old version dont seed againphp spark key:generate
Admin Login : Email : reactmorecom@gmail.com || Password : reactmorecom321
- Version 1.0.1
- Initial
- Version 1.0.2
- Added Github Auth
- Added Chart Js on dashboard
- Beta Secure API
- Maintenace Page
- Fix Some Code from CI 3
- Windows 10
- Laragon
- Visual Studio
- PHP 8
- Codeigniter Version 4.1.8
You can contribute on the development of this package by opening new issue(s) when encountering any bugs or issues in this project or by submitting new pull request(s) to contribute directly to the code
- Framework - Codeigniter 4.*
- Admin Template - AdminLte