Version 3.4.1
New features:
- Connecting to the ContentService RESTFul API (
- Mechanism to disable zoom or panning (depending on device) in regular diagrams when window is scrolling. This has been done as a request from third parties.
- Added search clear button.
- Tooltips added on the class icons in search results.
- Static Illustration button is disabled when an EHLD is shown.
- Error messages updated to include more details.
- Adding support for the new chemical drugs.
Fixed bugs:
- PPTX export now works on mobile devices.
- Removed the tooltip appearing on top of EHLDs in Safari showing the stID of the HLP
- Diagram export dialog is now centered properly in Firefox.
- If Safari is detected and the tag is present, then EHLDs are disabled and we fall back to the classic diagrams.