Olofsson: Audiovisual Programming - Discrete Structures
The theme this semester is patterns - both in sound and in graphics - both in time and in space. We will experiment with rhythm and repetitive melodic structures in music, build worlds by arranging simple objects in 3D and in general learn how to code algorithms that generate interesting patterns. Unity and SuperCollider are the software we will focus on and the course will be will be taught in English. Bring your own laptop and headphones.
room111, UdK, medienhaus, kleistpark
- 19oct 14-16: introduction and overview
- 26oct 14-16: pattern phasing
- 02nov: NO CLASS (i'm away)
- 09nov 14-16: whitney
- 16nov 14-16: techno and mirrors
- 23nov 14-16: euclidean rhythms and 3d text
- 30nov 14-16: samples and lines
- 07dec 14-16: more samples and trails
- 14dec 14-16: granular synthesis and particle systems
- 21dec: NO CLASS
- 28dec: NO CLASS
- 04jan: NO CLASS
- 11jan 14-16: deeper into the code
- 18jan 14-16: networking (osc)
- 25jan 14-16: advanced examples
- 01feb 14-16: recapitulation (last meeting)
links to previous semesters... https://redfrik.github.io/udk00-Audiovisual_Programming/