Doctor Finder is Android app help you locate the best doctor near you. You can view doctor profile which display all information about doctor including education, rating, location, and contact information,...etc.
- Search for doctors by their Location, Medical Speciality, Gender or Doctor's name.
- View doctor’s profile which contains doctor's name, specialty, practice name and location phone number and fax number.
- View practical location information and clinic or hospital address.
- View phone numbers and email address.
- Navigate using the integrated Google Map and directions.
- Pick Doctor's Location using Google Places API.
- Display Doctor's Location on the map using Google Map API.
- Using User Location to search for nearest doctor using Google Location API.
- Save favorite doctor for offline work using Room Library.
You can clone this repo by running this command git clone
on git bash or linux/mac terminal.
To run the App on your device, just import to android studio from gradle. Then Sync project so gradle can download everything you need
- ButterKnife
- Retrofit
- Picasso
- Parceler
- SearchableSpinner
- Room Persistence Library
- ViewModel
- Handling lifecycles with lifecycle-aware components
- Shimmerlayout
- LikeButton
- MaterialEditText
- WaveSwipeRefreshLayout
- Sweet Alert Dialog
Please feel free to make a pull request. There is so much to improve on.
Also few tests have been written, and hopefully we can have more from your contribution so to fix those hidden bugs and ensure the project is safe to use for learning
- e-mail :
- Linkedin: redatawfik
Copyright 2018 Reda Tawfik
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.