Manages Golang templates and integrates with Gin framework.
- Layouts, including nested ('base', 'sub-base', 'sub-sub-base', ...)
- Caching
- Streaming
- Supports embedded assets
- Supports named routes with parameters (ex:
.Ref "eventByID" 1234
could be mapped to../events/1234
with proper escaping)
Check example directory.
The project is focusing on developer experience (DX) rather on the performance.
Goals are:
- make developing SSR applications on Go convenient and simple
- extend and integrate (not replace) with Gin framework
- keep it flexible
Inspirations: Hugo, Django, Rails
STATUS: proof-of-concept
Initialize manager
- Opt: filesystem:
templates := mananger.New(os.DirFS("path-to-dir"))
- Opt: assets (embedded):
templates := mananger.New(assets)
Link to Gin router
router.HTMLRender = templates
gctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.html", "params")
templates := mananger.New(os.DirFS("path-to-dir"))
router := gin.Default()
router.HTMLRender = templates
router.GET("/", func(gctx *gin.Context) {
gctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.html", "params")
// ...
Directory structure
- layout file