Setup instructions code for Raspberry pi
You need to choose the timelapse parameters.
open in an editor and set:
timeMinutes = [a] #set this to the number of minutes you wish to run your timelapse camera
secondsInterval = [b] #number of seconds delay between each photo taken
Just incase, dont forget to:
sudo apt install git
May also be necessary to change permissions of the Pictures folder, to make deleting.moving easier:
In terminal:
chmod 777 /home/[yourPiName]/Pictures
You will need to add extra GPU memory if you intend to use a high resolution camera
It may also be necessary to enable legacy camera mode.
In terminal:
sudo raspi-config
This will bring you to the config window.
in '3 Interface Options' you will find the legacy camera setting,
In '4 Performance Options' you will find the GPU memory setting,
For GPU memory, doubling it from 128 to 256 is usually enough.
Steps necessary for timelapse script to work on reboot/start
edit line 5 and change working directory from blank default to where your timelapse code is.
lxterminal --working-directory='[where youre code is saved]' --command='python3'
lxterminal --working-directory='/home/timelapse1/timelapse' --command='python3'
Change permissions for
In terminal:
chmod 755 [startScript path]
Edit the Autostart file:
In terminal:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
add line:
@lxterminal -e [path to where the code is saved, including the file]
then press: CTRL + X, Y, Enter