Since v1.0.8 didn't have any Changelog, here is the changelog since v1.0.7 for this new version.
git log --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" v1.0.7..HEAD ansible/library ansible/action_plugins ansible/cloud_providers ansible/roles-infra ansible/*.yml tools/ tests/
- 7adc3b5 Update awscli and botocore (#4143) by Guillaume Coré
- 0417db3 Ansible 2.11/py3.8 venv requirements added for AAP2 Ansible Workshops (#4130) by Tony Kay
- 0092044 Create new config aap2-ansible-workshops (#4117) by Tony Kay
- 74decd0 CHANGE configs/ibm-rhoic and roles-infra/sandbox-ibm (#4102) by Vince Power
- e7168db Do not fail if servers are already being shelved (#4093) by Guillaume Coré
- a65582c infra-aws-sandbox: move to redhat-gpe/aws-sandbox (#4057) by Guillaume Coré
- 95c1350 Fix OpenEnv, use the 'sandbox_account' variable (#4059) by Guillaume Coré
- 1a0dbb7 Create new python virtualenvs (#4072) by Guillaume Coré
- c132676 CHANGE configs/ibm-rhoic (#4069) by Vince Power
- 3a1e6b3 OpenEnv: Use fact to save generated password (#4064) by Guillaume Coré
- 61a79f5 Remove use of meta (#4063) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 8bc713a Add selinux to equinix venv (#4055) by Guillaume Coré
- 41790ff Add psutil to equinix venv (#4054) by Guillaume Coré
- c4b5daa Change reporting of OpenStack user data (#4031) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 0893e00 Add equinix metal dry-run role for testing (#4034) by Guillaume Coré
- 451673b Updating to remove dashes from keys (#4029) by Vince Power
- 2329c11 Add saving OpenStack project info as user data (#4019) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 9df3420 Add set guid, uuid tags for OpenStack environments (#4018) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 3882bc9 Export in-memory ansible inventory (#3947) by Guillaume Coré
- 0ab9802 Implement Open Environment checkbox feature (AWS) (#3930) by Guillaume Coré
- 5288f38 AWS Sandbox cleanup S3 Access points (#3945) by Guillaume Coré
- 8614ec7 Update main.yml (#3944) by klewis0928
- 9544723 Add missing cloud providers to pre-check (#3937) by Guillaume Coré
- cab294c Add equinix_metal (packet) cloud provider (#3928) by Guillaume Coré
- 22d0fdc Add user message body to completion callback (#3932) by Johnathan Kupferer
- b3cdb12 Do not create reservations when count == 0 (#3912) by Guillaume Coré
- 549eb98 removing forced subnet option for external net to default false for OSP provisions (#3903) by John Apple II
- 2288f51 Add a few check_mode:false to allow for the --check mode a bit longer (#3881) by Eric L
- 1127d87 Update ansible2.10-python3.6-2021-06-14 virtualenv to add pywinrm and requests-credssp (#3868) by Johnathan Kupferer
- ba2cfd3 Add ability to not lookup public subnet for OpenStack provider (#3864) by Fabien Dupont
- 5984baa Add ansible2.10-python3.6-2021-06-14 virtualenv (#3866) by Johnathan Kupferer
- e4c9d0b Adding yamllint to cloud_providers (#3830) by Vince Power
- ddc4a29 Extended AWS AMIS to include RHEL84GOLD RHEL-8.4.0_HVM-20210504-x86_64-2-Access2-GP (#3796) by Tony Kay
- e1a7d49 Update config/ibm-rhoic and roles-infra/sandbox-ibm (#3782) by Vince Power
- d30063c Update sandbox role for new RHOIC policies (#3781) by Nate Stephany
- 29e55e8 Update azure_infrastructure_deployment.yml (#3780) by Vince Power
- 94f474c Fix nsupdate 'server' param, always pass IP (#3773) by Guillaume Coré
- a031dfb ODCR condition: be compatible with ansible 2.7.9 (#3766) by Guillaume Coré
- 21f200e List only AWS region opt-in by defaults (#3762) by Guillaume Coré
- 75f6c1a ODCR: fix EndDate TZ, use UTC (#3756) by Guillaume Coré
- 9f9b6b5 Update config ocp4-cluster: Enable On-Demand Capacity Reservation (#3753) by Guillaume Coré
- ad597c4 Update sanbox-ibm role with timeout retries (#3722) by Nate Stephany
- 31b535f Add 'shortname' to OSP inventory (#3712) by Wolfgang Kulhanek
- 101c269 aws sandbox: Make sure keypair is always created (#3700) by Guillaume Coré
- b5cf19a Update AWS AMI mappings for RHEL 8.3 (#3697) by Nate Stephany
- 2d1b9cf Update sandbox_ibm workload with new policies (#3689) by Nate Stephany
- 5b2d5c4 Update AgD Imags to GOLD (#3690) by klewis0928
- cbd30cc Update IBM sandbox workload with new access policies (#3681) by Nate Stephany
- b91cd0f Add ansible-infoblox config to deploy Infoblox NIOS and Ansible (#3555) by gejames
- 7a9ecae make student the default name (#3621) by Nate Stephany
- e57435b Fix AnsibleUndefinedVariable in default cloudformation template (#3619) by Guillaume Coré
- 7e47ba8 Add student user option to default CFN template (#3617) by Nate Stephany
- 39ce7f9 Update IBM Sandbox role to support ROKS policies (#3616) by Nate Stephany
- e2d1b46 implement AWS on-demand capacity reservation (ODCR) (#3576) by Guillaume Coré
- 8ef6479 Add config ibm-roks-vpc (#3596) by Vince Power
- 9e9c172 Accept list msg for agnosticd_user_info (#3562) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 18ce23d Fixe glitch on sandboxes - CI AgD training (#3504) by Amaya
- a665879 Add agnosticd_save_output_dir (#3444) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 7ec9036 Fixed jinja template syntax (#3471) by Thomas Crowe
- daf8c20 Remove needless depends_on (#3470) by Thomas Crowe
- ee748d2 Updating OSP templates for explicit public subnet (#3469) by Thomas Crowe
- a7295be Explicitly setting publicch subnet to use (#3468) by Thomas Crowe
- 8e8980b Fix role infra-osp-template-generate additional fip depends_on clause (#3467) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 91be6dc Fix role infra-osp-template-generate router name determination (#3466) by Johnathan Kupferer
- adf97a0 Fix additional fips for role infra-osp-template-generate (#3465) by Johnathan Kupferer
- d7cf634 adding floating_subnet: workaround to additional_fips in ansible/roles-infra/infra-osp-template-generate/templates/cloud_template_master.j2 (#3442) by John Apple II
- d426ad5 Bump cryptography from 3.3 to 3.3.2 in /tests/static (#3414) by dependabot[bot]
- 954438e Update ocp4-installer to allow FIPS mode (#3400) by Nate Stephany
- 7b6c679 Updating Floating IP resources to include subnet id (#3381) by Thomas Crowe
- dac7e72 Add ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22 virtualenv (#3376) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 51bff6c Update IBM Cloud Sandbox with UI access (#3347) by Nate Stephany
- 2e74b78 update sandbox var names (#3337) by Nate Stephany
- 3a1c0c3 Change agnosticd_user_info to always print data to log (#3336) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 64214b4 Add support for AWS region me-south-1 (#3332) by Paul Barfuss