0.1.0 (2021-06-01)
First release
BREAKING: listKafkas => getKafkas
Bug Fixes
- add jq to fetch build
- change documentation links to be relative
- simplify openapi client fetching
- add build support
- chore minor style fix
- change links to docs and examples to be relative
- supporting files to admin SDK
- rename what script is actually doing
- update doc
- readme links
- release and build scripts
- adding examples
- adding initial version of registry management SDK
- api usage example
- update kas-fleet-manager api
- automation to supply only openapi file
- cleanup redundant/non functional approaches from go sdk
- remove lerna towards yarn workspaces
- remove readme files
- readme for kafka management
- add new openapi files
- generator to support new structure
- propose more cleaner package stucture
- initial version of local flow for api generator (#6)
- synchronization script between repositories
- gitignore file for node
- kafka: kafka management sdk update
- kafka-instance: Openapi update
- registry: openapi update