This is a module for installing and confiuring galera.
It depends on the mysql module from puppetlabs as well as xinetd.
Used to configure a MariaDB Galera server cluster.
class { 'galera::server':
wsrep_cluster_name => 'galera_cluster',
wsrep_sst_method => 'rsync'
wsrep_sst_username => 'ChangeMe',
wsrep_sst_password => 'ChangeMe',
Used to monitor a MariaDB Galera cluster server. The class is meant to be used in a server load-balancer environment.
class {'galera::monitor':
monitor_username => 'mon_user',
monitor_password => 'mon_pass'
Here is a sample 3-node HAProxy Configuration:
listen galera
balance leastconn
mode tcp
option tcpka
option httpchk
server control01 check port 9200 inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
server control02 check port 9200 inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
server control03 check port 9200 inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
Daneyon Hansen, Ryan O'Hara