Releases: redis-field-engineering/redis-kafka-connect
Releases · redis-field-engineering/redis-kafka-connect
Release early-access
⚙️ Dependencies
- 83e3128 Upgraded spring-batch-redis
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- jruaux
Release v0.9.1
🔀 Merge
- 64bb74a Merge branch 'master' of
- f1ad05f Merge pull request #33 from caiounderscore/deprecated-confluent-hub-link, closes #33
- 212658f Merge branch 'master' of
🚀 Features
- ee0ffd1 Added retries for timeout exceptions in sink and source tasks
🔄️ Changes
🛠 Build
📝 Documentation
- 88d8125 Updated Redis logo
- c6e8c63 Fixed formatting issues
- 8d263dc Fixed quick start and formatting issues
- 7eb6d57 Added Confluent Cloud documentation
- 137ae4b Added quick start section
- 8f89e90 Fixed links
⚙️ Dependencies
- ff26ac5 Upgraded spring batch redis
- 77ad1b8 Releasing version 0.9.1
- 6af97f9 Added tasks input to release workflow
- 43d6987 Fixed name in publish workflow
- a1e3c20 Added publish workflow
- a5599d0 update confluent-hub link
- e5e6417 Releasing version 0.9.0
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Caio (@caiounderscore)
- Julien Ruaux
Release v0.9.0
🐛 Fixes
- 9d1d86a demo: Fixed key pattern config
- a9bc1e9 take into account the maxTasks config parameter., closes #27
- 146c326 demo: Replaced redis.type with redis.command
🛠 Build
📝 Documentation
⚙️ Dependencies
- 1574838 Upgraded to Spring Batch Redis 3.7.4
- 70f3ef2 Using spring boot plugin
- 2d0c44d Using spring boot plugin
- ed70cf7 Releasing version 0.8.0
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- GitHub Action (@github-actions[bot])
- Julien Ruaux (@jruaux)
- jruaux
Release v0.8.0
🔀 Merge
- 821930a Merge branch 'master' of
🚀 Features
🧰 Tasks
- 302b348 Removed unused file
🛠 Build
📝 Documentation
- 7a07b75 Added Keys Source Connector documentation
⚙️ Dependencies
- 1b2dd9d Upgrade spring batch redis
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- GitHub Action (@github-actions[bot])
- Julien Ruaux (@jruaux)
Release v0.7.5
🔀 Merge
- 504d69b Merge branch 'master' of
- 029fd22 Merge pull request #16 from coursehero/master, closes #15 #16
- eaa4579 Merge branch 'master' of
- 88d37af Merge branch 'master' of
- 83ece09 Merge branch 'master' of
- 2e62942 Merge branch 'master' of
- 0bebc0d Merge branch 'master' of
- ab05963 [chore] Merge branch 'master' of
🚀 Features
- 59978d9 Added message recovery for at-least-once delivery. Resolves #17, closes #17
- ba014f0 Added ack policy option. Resolves #17, closes #17
- c162ad3 Added key/cert authentication options
- a17dda0 Added support for Redis cluster mode
- c610d4e Added input data conversion to JSON. Resolves #14, closes #14
- 581c885 Added username and password config properties. Resolves #13, closes #13
- fc99e65 Added support for keyspace in Redis keys
🐛 Fixes
🔄️ Changes
🧰 Tasks
- 6cd103a git ignore dylib files
🛠 Build
- bc02d4c Disabled javadocs generation
- 7a956dc Added unit and integration tests
- c52829a Moved to gradle
- a71c08b Bump for next dev cycle
- f50b1a8 Bump for next dev cycle
- 7ceba9c Fixed version test
- 318240d Standardized JReleaser config
- a6c99de Using redis github workflows
- 7b778cc Removed changelog format option
- 103f504 Updated github actions
- d6c7c4f Bump for next development cycle
- 8ce7828 Fixed script wait
- 7c62d31 Updated docker hub org
- 23035f8 Added docker image publishing in release
- 5cc626c Using published docker image
- 0010041 fixed docker image build and push
- 5db92c3 reverted docker image tag
- 50dddae fixed docker image tag
- 46ab7f5 building and pushing docker image to docker hub
- 764b36a Added publishing to docker hub
- 2026cff Updated ubuntu version
- 9dc297d Fixed archive filename
- 8f22ade bump for next development cycle
- 79acb05 Fixed versioning
- 827357f Building the project inside the docker image
- e428b75 Reverted to previous Kafka Connect component name
- 0866e2f Bump for next development cycle
- 4acbf9f Added Redis logo to connector package
- dcb156e Upgraded codecov GH action
- a997be3 Using latest Redis Enterprise docker image
- 29df920 Bump for next development cycle
- 1e1f7b8 Using mvn verify instead of package
- a7cd959 Using mvn verify instead of package
- dc9a739 Added Redis Enterprise tests
- 5b63b92 Bump for next development cycle
- c58f7a1 Added replacer for
- e3f807b Bump for next development cycle
- 547cbf9 Bump for next development cycle
- fd42a13 Upgrade to checkout action v3
- 611449f Upgraded to checkout action v3
- aab40ec Upgraded to checkout action v3
- 82f1102 Added to uploaded artifacts
- fcf374d Using conventional commits
📝 Documentation
- 9293082 separated key reader doc and fixed sync to sink
- cb89bf5 Changed doc url attribute
- 7563b69 Indented properties
- 7faa27b Updated delivery guarantees
- 34e57ed Added documentation for stream ack policy
- 782f2bd Updated README
- e065f7d Updated Docker example and documentation
- 9c7cb98 Added username and password configuration properties
- a9e5cd8 Updated RedisJSON for Avro
⚙️ Dependencies
- 74d2060 Upgraded guava
- 3c944c5 Upgraded spring-batch-redis and using spring bom
- 435c6bf Upgraded Spring Batch Redis
- 82d10dc Upgraded Spring Batch Redis
- 52b38e0 Upgraded lettucemod and others
- 8899079 Upgraded spring batch redis
- a4c3278 Upgraded spring batch redis
- ac6b377 Upgraded spring batch redis
- 90f058c Upgraded spring batch redis
- ed375a4 Upgraded Lettucemod and Spring Batch Redis
- 1b841ef Upgraded LettuceMod and Spring Batch Redis
- 3ccfb09 Moved GRGIT credentials to reusable workflow
- e42cb9d Added grgit credentials
- f581c9d Added docker credential secrets to release workflow
- a07f1ff Made Docker job dependent on build
- dea779c Releasing version 7.4
- ceb19fe Releasing version 7.3
- 8c4d1d6 Releasing version 7.2
- f2ae363 Fixes #15, closes #15
- a17466d Releasing version 7.1
- fc8c1f6 Releasing version 7.0
- f5ef230 Releasing version 6.8
- a3cdb3f Releasing version 6.7
- bed7940 Releasing version 6.6
- bb54416 Releasing version 6.5
- 1d51ce7 Formatted asciidoc
- 7d17df5 Fixed duplicate section links
- f8d46a2 Fixed jreleaser github token name
- 9ea7189 [chore] Replaced github token
- 3b6bffe [chore] Updated documentation
- 21c72e0 Updated sink documentation for RedisJSON and RedisTimeSeries
- e872e35 [chore] Bump for next dev cycle
- 178a2dc Releasing version 6.4
- e07cce7 [chore] Using version scheme with CP version + 2-digit project version
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Adam Hawthorne
- GitHub
- GitHub Action (@github-actions[bot])
- Julien Ruaux (@jruaux)
- julien
Release v7.4
Release v7.3
🔀 Merge
- 504d69b Merge branch 'master' of
🚀 Features
- 59978d9 Added message recovery for at-least-once delivery. Resolves #17, closes #17
- ba014f0 Added ack policy option. Resolves #17, closes #17
🐛 Fixes
🧰 Tasks
- 6cd103a git ignore dylib files
🛠 Build
- 7ceba9c Fixed version test
- 318240d Standardized JReleaser config
- a6c99de Using redis github workflows
- 7b778cc Removed changelog format option
- 103f504 Updated github actions
- d6c7c4f Bump for next development cycle
- 8ce7828 Fixed script wait
📝 Documentation
- cb89bf5 Changed doc url attribute
- 7563b69 Indented properties
- 7faa27b Updated delivery guarantees
- 34e57ed Added documentation for stream ack policy
⚙️ Dependencies
- 435c6bf Upgraded Spring Batch Redis
- 82d10dc Upgraded Spring Batch Redis
- 52b38e0 Upgraded lettucemod and others
- 8899079 Upgraded spring batch redis
- 8c4d1d6 Releasing version 7.2
Release v7.2
🔀 Merge
🐛 Fixes
- 634e564 Dockerfile build
🛠 Build
- 7c62d31 Updated docker hub org
- 23035f8 Added docker image publishing in release
- 5cc626c Using published docker image
- 0010041 fixed docker image build and push
- 5db92c3 reverted docker image tag
- 50dddae fixed docker image tag
- 46ab7f5 building and pushing docker image to docker hub
- 764b36a Added publishing to docker hub
- 2026cff Updated ubuntu version
- 9dc297d Fixed archive filename
- 8f22ade bump for next development cycle
- 79acb05 Fixed versioning
📝 Documentation
- 782f2bd Updated README
Release v7.1
🚀 Features
- c162ad3 Added key/cert authentication options
🛠 Build
- 827357f Building the project inside the docker image
- e428b75 Reverted to previous Kafka Connect component name
- 0866e2f Bump for next development cycle
⚙️ Dependencies
- a4c3278 Upgraded spring batch redis
- ac6b377 Upgraded spring batch redis
- 90f058c Upgraded spring batch redis
- a17466d Releasing version 7.1
Release v7.0
🔀 Merge
- 88d37af Merge branch 'master' of
🔄️ Changes
- 095151c 🚨 Renamed project
🛠 Build
- 4acbf9f Added Redis logo to connector package
- dcb156e Upgraded codecov GH action
- a997be3 Using latest Redis Enterprise docker image
- 29df920 Bump for next development cycle
- 1e1f7b8 Using mvn verify instead of package
⚙️ Dependencies
- ed375a4 Upgraded Lettucemod and Spring Batch Redis
- fc8c1f6 Releasing version 7.0