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HowTo: Swap out i3bar for Polybar

Ken Gilmer edited this page Nov 28, 2019 · 4 revisions

Polybar is a popular and feature-rich bar component that is frequently used with i3. For those looking for more visual flare and features than what is provided by default with i3bar, Polybar provides a compelling alternative. Polybar can be compiled from source or installed via the Speed Ricer PPA. This howto will use the latter as it requires fewer steps.

  1. Install the package:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer
$ sudo apt install polybar
  1. Stage a configuration (see this Arch wiki for more details):
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/polybar && cd ~/.config/polybar
$ cp /usr/share/doc/polybar/config.gz .
$ gunzip config.gz  # You will want to edit this file at some point to configure Polybar
  1. Create a launcher script by saving the following file to ~/.config/polybar/

# Terminate already running bar instances
killall -q polybar

# Wait until the processes have been shut down
while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done

# Launch Polybar, using default config location ~/.config/polybar/config
polybar example &

echo "Polybar launched..."
  1. Make the launch script executable:
$ chmod u+x ~/.config/polybar/
  1. Stage your Regolith i3 config file:
$ mkdir ~/.config/regolith/i3
$ cp /etc/regolith/i3/config ~/.config/regolith/i3/
  1. Disable i3bar in ~/.config/regolith/i3/config by commenting out or deleting this section:
bar {
  font $
  separator_symbol " "
  status_command i3xrocks -c $i3xrocks_config
  tray_output none
  strip_workspace_numbers yes

  colors {
      background $
      statusline $
      separator  $

#                        BORDER  BACKGROUND TEXT
      focused_workspace  $      $   $
      active_workspace   $       $    $
      inactive_workspace $     $  $
      urgent_workspace   $       $    $
  1. Launch polybar in your ~/.config/regolith/i3/config file, by adding this line at the end:
exec --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/polybar/
  1. Log out and back in to have i3 pick up your newly staged i3 config file and see Polybar loaded: Regolith with Polybar Screenshot