Create a simple 3-screen quiz app with Tinder-like functionality using React. The app should allow users to select a quiz topic, answer questions by swiping left or right, and view their final score.
- Fork the provided repository to your own GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new folder in the repository named as
. - Navigate to your folder:
- You can use create-react-app or vite to initialize a new React project. Alternatively, you can use plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- If using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, create the necessary files (index.html, style.css, script.js) in the YOURNAME_REGNO folder and provide instructions for starting the project (e.g., open index.html in a browser).
- First Screen: Topic Selection
- Second Screen: Quiz Questions
- Third Screen: Final Score
- Use React components to build the screens.
- Manage state using React hooks (e.g., useState).
- Implement swipe functionality for the question cards.
- Track the user's answers and calculate the score.
- Ensure smooth navigation between screens.
- Feel free to add any additional features or improvements.
- Examples: animations, dynamic data fetching, improved UI/UX.
- Once you have completed the project, commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request (PR) to the original repository.
- In the PR description, mention the tech stack you used and any special features you added.
for any queries or deadline extension reach out to us.