Matlab implementation of a 2-link differential-drive wheeled manipulator robot.
Final project for AUE-8220.
Implementations for individual problems are as follows
- p2_1.m: open loop control with pseudoinverse solution
- p2_2_1.m: redundancy resolution with added constraint theta1dot + theta2dot = 0
- p2_2_2.m: redundancy resolution with added constraint theta1dot = 0
- p2_3.m: potential minimization
- p3.m: closed-loop task-space control
Each of the above will compute the corresponding solution and then display the result with a simple animation. Additional plots are also produced (desired end-effector trajectory, etc.)
The matlab app robot_app.mlapp also implements all of the above control methods, but with the benefit of a GUI and a better animation. The application also allows for the setting of some of the robot parameters, as well as for the switching between the end-effector trajectories.
The app robot_app.mlapp requires the Image Processing Toolbox to be installed.