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What is ResultsDB

ResultsDB is a results store engine for (not only) Fedora QA tools.

The API v2 documentation can be found at


Quick development setup

If you encounter any installation issues, it's possible that you don't have gcc and necessary C development headers installed to compile C extensions from PyPI. Either install those based on the error messages, or install the necessary packages directly to your system.

Install the project:

$ poetry run python -m ensurepip --upgrade
$ poetry install

Initialize your database:

$ DEV=true poetry run ./

Run the server:

$ DEV=true poetry run python

The server is now running with a very simple frontend at http://localhost:5001. API calls can be sent to http://localhost:5001/api/v2.0. All data is stored inside /var/tmp/resultsdb_db.sqlite.

Adjusting configuration

You can configure this app by copying conf/ into conf/ and adjusting values as you see fit. It overrides default values in resultsdb/

Using with libtaskotron

You might want to use this tool together with libtaskotron. To use your own ResultsDB server in libtaskotron, edit /etc/taskotron/taskotron.yaml and set the following value:

resultsdb_server: http://localhost:5001/api/v2.0

You might also need to adjust reporting_enabled and report_to_resultsdb, depending on your local settings.

Using real-life data from Fedora Infra dumps

Sometimes, you might want to check some performance tweaks with real-life data. The easy solution might be using our daily dumps and a Postgres instance in Docker:

docker run --name postgres_resultsdb -e POSTGRES_USER=resultsdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=resultsdb -d -p 65432:5432 postgres
xzcat resultsdb.dump.xz | docker exec -i postgres_resultsdb psql -Uresultsdb

Then just change your config (for DEV environment, you can use conf/ file) to contain this db connector:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql+psycopg2://resultsdb:resultsdb@localhost:65432/resultsdb'

And run as usual.

Running test suite

After making changes run tox -e black-format to reformat the code.

You can run the test suite with the following command:

$ tox

Note, that in order for some of the tests to work properly, tox is configured to spin-up PostgreSQL in a docker container using the tox-docker plugin installed automatically by tox when needed.

To avoid using container and use SQLite database in tests instead, run:

$ tox -e py3-nodocker

To use tox-docker with podman without requiring root, you can use script that wraps tox:

$ ./ -e py311


If you're trying to deploy ResultsDB, you might find some helpful instructions in the Fedora infra docs.