LibreClinica v1.2.0
display correct role in success message for 'RemoveStudyUserRole' (#114)
fix for paht traversal issue and cleanup of unsupported Oracle DB (#331)
fixed error when filtering subject matrix by study event (#316)
fixed insert and show rule executions under certain conditions (#308, #305, #310, #306)
fixed new rule ItemGroup and item expression validation (#312)
include/sideinfo.jsp tr attibutes not separated by space causing errors in console log (#295)
wrong logging level used when generating next possible SSID for studies with autogenerated SSID (#287)
ODM export: code list incomplete when empty text entries are selected (#279)
- cleanup removing (#341)
- used undeclared dependencies
- declared unused dependencies
- duplicate class dependencies
- introduced monitoring of dependencies by maven-plugins (maven-dependency-plugin, maven-enforcer-plugin) (#341)
- removed recommendation of Internet Explorer (#302)
- favicon in Chromium-based browsers (#247)
- various GUI related fixes (#336)
- removed old properties files from web module (#334)
- parametrised SQL fixes (#323)
- merged developer documentation into the main repository and use Markdown markup (#319)
- removed unused logging library dependencies (#304), log4j (#297)
- updated PostgreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.2.26 (#345)
- 2 factor authentication (#286)
- user login notification via email (#285)
- role-specific offline manuals in the Tasks menu (#284)
- additional information in system generated emails(#283)
- changed T004 to avoid dependency of test databases
- tests T001-08 - 10, T003-09 - 11, T038-01 - 02 for 2 factor authentication
- tests T001-11 - 13, T004-04 - 07, and T009-06 - 07 for email notification
03c848dea50f0a3f1815e44e5160d9a3 LibreClinica-web-1.2.0.war
For LibreClinica-ws the current stable built is LibreClinica-ws-1.1.