Tested on Java LTS versions from 11 to 21.
Tested on Gradle versions from 7.0 to 8.13.
plugins {
id 'name.remal.merge-resources' version '5.0.1'
This plugin configures all AbstractCopyTask
tasks to merge files with the same RelativePath
The main use cases are:
- building fat JARs
- generating some files via annotation processors and configuring the same files manually
mergeResources {
metaInfServices {
enabled = false // To disable merging `META-INF/services/*`
packageInfo {
enabled = false // To disable merging `META-INF/services/*`
metaInfServices {
enabled = false // To disable merging `**/package-info.class`
moduleInfo {
enabled = false // To disable merging `**/module-info.class`
springFactories {
enabled = false // To disable merging `META-INF/spring.factories`
springImports {
enabled = false // To disable merging `META-INF/spring/*.imports`
log4j2PluginsMerger {
enabled = false // To disable merging `META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat`
// To merge all `*.jar` files with the same relative path:
addResourceMerger('**/*.jar') { RelativePath relativePath, Collection<Path> paths, OutputStream outputStream ->
outputStream.write(new byte[0])
// To merge all `*.text` files with the same relative path:
addTextResourceMerger('**/*.jar', 'US-ASCII') { RelativePath relativePath, Collection<Path> paths, PrintWriter writer ->
addTextResourceMerger('**/*.jar' /* UTF-8 is default charset */) { RelativePath relativePath, Collection<Path> paths, PrintWriter writer ->
These files are used for Java's java.util.ServiceLoader
When these files are merged, all comments and duplications are removed.
The file with the biggest number of package annotations is taken.
For the other files, there is a check that validates their package annotations present in the result file.
Different sections of module-info
are merged.
It's required that all merged files have the same module name.
See org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader
See META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports
See org.springframework.boot.context.annotation.ImportCandidates
See documentation about Log4j plugin descriptor.
The minimum Java version is 11 (from 8). The minimum Gradle version is 7.0 (from 6.0).
is used for mergers instead of File
Resource merges do not return InputStream
is provided as a parameter instead for mergeResources.addResourceMerger()
is provided as a parameter instead for mergeResources.addTextResourceMerger()
The plugin was fully rewritten. There were no intentions to keep backward compatibility.