Built an interactive webpage to explore the nature of human trafficking globally. Some of the key takeaways include:
Network map showing human trafficking routes globally;
Hot spot maps that show the density of human trafficking events globally with poverty rates as tile layers;
Interactive scatter plot of frequency of human trafficking events and country demographics;
Gauge plot showing TIER ranking of each country according to the 2018 TIP report;
Word cloud of the most frequent words associated with human trafficking in each country;
Bar charts and gauge tanks to show frequency of human trafficking events by days and months;
Map of conflicts related to human trafficking events in each country weighted by number of fatalities;
Data page to allow users interract with the dataset used to build the charts.
The gauge chart, world cloud, map of conflicts , bar charts and gauge tanks were updated any time that a new country is selected via a dropdown.
Deployed the app to GitHub's free static page hosting service.