どなたかカメラ側のコネクタについて情報をお待ちではないでしょうか? issue #1 をご覧下さい。
Does anyone have information about camera side connector? Please see issue #1 .
これは Aliexpress で売っている Nikon MB-N10互換品のケーブルを改造して
This project is making cable more comfortable(no hindrance) for alternative of
Nikon MB-N10 that sold on Aliexpress.
like this https://a.aliexpress.com/_mL9nkIQ
- (as sacrifice) Remote cable sold as N3 in aliexpress.
like as https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMu5x4e - 2.5 phi stereo L angle phone jack.
- (about 8 phi)Heat shrink tube.
- UV resin.
- some soldering skill.
- Cut phone jack from remote cable.
- Remove plastic cover from camera side connector.
like as
- Connect wires to phone jack.
- (if needed) cover phone jack by UV resin for soldering.
- Cover heat shrink tube from camera side connector.
- Use heat to shrink, at this time be careful to shape the connector
into an L angle shape.