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fix: formattting
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arthur-adjedj committed Feb 11, 2025
1 parent 1965cdd commit e077d86
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Showing 2 changed files with 22 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/bin/dune
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Expand Up @@ -249,6 +249,6 @@
47 changes: 21 additions & 26 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/
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Expand Up @@ -280,23 +280,23 @@ let lean_escape_string s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\"") "\"\"" s

let doc_lit (L_aux (lit, l)) =
match lit with
| L_unit -> string "()"
| L_zero -> string "0#1"
| L_one -> string "1#1"
| L_unit -> string "()"
| L_zero -> string "0#1"
| L_one -> string "1#1"
| L_false -> string "false"
| L_true -> string "true"
| L_true -> string "true"
| L_num i -> doc_big_int i
| L_hex n -> utf8string ("0x" ^ n)
| L_bin n -> utf8string ("0b" ^ n)
| L_undef -> utf8string "(Fail \"undefined value of unsupported type\")"
| L_string s -> utf8string ("\"" ^ lean_escape_string s ^ "\"")
| L_real s -> utf8string s (* TODO test if this is really working *)

let doc_vec_lit (L_aux (lit, _) as l) =
let doc_vec_lit (L_aux (lit, _) as l) =
match lit with
| L_zero -> string "0"
| L_one -> string "1"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected litteral found in vector: " ^^ doc_lit l
| L_one -> string "1"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected litteral found in vector: " ^^ doc_lit l

let string_of_exp_con (E_aux (e, _)) =
match e with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,20 +367,19 @@ let rec doc_pat ?(in_vector = false) (P_aux (p, (l, annot)) as pat) =
| P_wild -> underscore
| P_lit lit when in_vector -> doc_vec_lit lit
| P_lit lit -> doc_lit lit
| P_typ (Typ_aux (Typ_id (Id_aux (Id "bit", _)),_), p) when in_vector ->
doc_pat p ^^ string ":1"
| P_typ (Typ_aux (Typ_app (Id_aux (Id id, _), [A_aux (A_nexp (Nexp_aux (Nexp_constant i,_)), _)]),_), p)
when in_vector && (id = "bits" || id = "bitvector") ->
doc_pat p ^^ (string ":") ^^ doc_big_int i
| P_typ (Typ_aux (Typ_id (Id_aux (Id "bit", _)), _), p) when in_vector -> doc_pat p ^^ string ":1"
| P_typ (Typ_aux (Typ_app (Id_aux (Id id, _), [A_aux (A_nexp (Nexp_aux (Nexp_constant i, _)), _)]), _), p)
when in_vector && (id = "bits" || id = "bitvector") ->
doc_pat p ^^ string ":" ^^ doc_big_int i
| P_typ (ptyp, p) -> doc_pat p
| P_id id -> fixup_match_id id |> doc_id_ctor
| P_tuple pats -> separate (string ", ") ( doc_pat pats) |> parens
| P_list pats -> separate (string ", ") ( doc_pat pats) |> brackets
| P_vector pats -> concat ( (doc_pat ~in_vector:true) pats)
| P_vector_concat (pats) -> separate (string ",") ( (doc_pat ~in_vector:true) pats) |> brackets
| P_vector_concat pats -> separate (string ",") ( (doc_pat ~in_vector:true) pats) |> brackets
| P_app (Id_aux (Id "None", _), p) -> string "none"
| P_app (cons, pats) -> doc_id_ctor (fixup_match_id cons) ^^ space ^^ separate_map (string ", ") doc_pat pats
| P_as (pat,id) -> doc_pat pat
| P_as (pat, id) -> doc_pat pat
| _ -> failwith ("Doc Pattern " ^ string_of_pat_con pat ^ " " ^ string_of_pat pat ^ " not translatable yet.")

(* Copied from the Coq PP *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,18 +420,12 @@ let get_fn_implicits (Typ_aux (t, _)) : bool list =
match t with Typ_fn (args, cod) -> arg_implicit args | _ -> []

let rec is_bitvector_pattern (P_aux (pat,_)) = match pat with
| P_vector _ | P_vector_concat _ -> true
| P_as (pat,_) -> is_bitvector_pattern pat
| _ -> false
let rec is_bitvector_pattern (P_aux (pat, _)) =
match pat with P_vector _ | P_vector_concat _ -> true | P_as (pat, _) -> is_bitvector_pattern pat | _ -> false

let match_or_match_bv brs =
if List.exists (function
| Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat,_),_) -> is_bitvector_pattern pat
| _ -> false) brs then
"match_bv "
"match "
let match_or_match_bv brs =
if List.exists (function Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat, _), _) -> is_bitvector_pattern pat | _ -> false) brs then "match_bv "
else "match "

let rec doc_match_clause (as_monadic : bool) ctx (Pat_aux (cl, l)) =
match cl with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,7 +514,9 @@ and doc_exp (as_monadic : bool) ctx (E_aux (e, (l, annot)) as full_exp) =
(braces (space ^^ doc_exp false ctx exp ^^ string " with " ^^ separate (comma ^^ space) args ^^ space))
| E_match (discr, brs) ->
let cases = separate_map hardline (doc_match_clause as_monadic ctx) brs in
string (match_or_match_bv brs) ^^ doc_exp (effectful (effect_of discr)) ctx discr ^^ string " with" ^^ hardline ^^ cases
string (match_or_match_bv brs)
^^ doc_exp (effectful (effect_of discr)) ctx discr
^^ string " with" ^^ hardline ^^ cases
| E_assign ((LE_aux (le_act, tannot) as le), e) -> (
match le_act with
| LE_id id | LE_typ (_, id) -> string "writeReg " ^^ doc_id_ctor id ^^ space ^^ doc_exp false ctx e
Expand Down

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