An empty Rails 6 project built with webpack 4 to manage JS and CSS, which includes the SB Admin 2 bootstrap template, using a Vagrant VM
With VirtualBox 6 and Vagrant 2 installed, just clone the repository and run vagrant up
In the project folder (host OS), open a console and run the following commands. Under Windows the console must have ssh (e.g., Git bash) and execute with admin privileges in order to activate symlinks support (needed by yarn/npm).
# inside the project folder
vagrant up # Start the vm
vagrant ssh # connect to the provisioned vm
All the code / tools run inside the vm, e.g.:
cd /vagrant
rails s -b
WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_HOST= ./bin/webpack-dev-server # run this on a 2nd console
The project should be accessible under http://localhost:3000 with webpacker providing hot reload.
When finished just logout and halt the VM:
logout # or press Ctrl+D
vagrant halt
To be continued... (describe the steps to create this and what is included or used).
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.