DISCLAIMER: We use Google Analytics for sending anonymous usage information such as agent's and client's names, and their versions after a successful launch start. This information might help us to improve both ReportPortal backend and client sides. It is used by the ReportPortal team only and is not supposed for sharing with 3rd parties.
Version(s) of cucumber java and cucumber junit | Gherkin's version(s) | Link to agent's repo | Link to agent's github |
1.2.5 | 2.12.2 | binaries/cucumber1 | sources/cucumber1 |
2.0.0 - 2.4.0 | 3.2.0 - 5.1.0 | binaries/cucumber2 | sources/cucumber2 |
3.0.0 - 3.0.2 | _ | binaries/cucumber3 | sources/cucumber3 |
4.4.0 - 4.8.1 | 3.2.0 - 5.1.0 | binaries/cucumber4 | sources/cucumber4 |
5.0.0 - 5.7.0 | _ | binaries/cucumber5 | sources/cucumber5 |
6.0.0 - 7.0.0 | 6.0.0 - 7.0.0 | binaries/cucumber6 | sources/cucumber6 |
Add to POM.xml
As Cucumber runs your features, it calls out to any number of listener objects to let them know how it’s progressing. These listeners are notified at various points throughout the run of features. This principle is used to notify ReportPortal about your tests progress in real-time. ReportPortal supports two kinds of Reporters. Both of them allow you to report your execution progress to ReportPortal, but there are some differences in report structure.
Step Reporter propagates the most traditional for ReportPortal test structure keeping your scenarios and steps inside as separate entities. In opposite, Scenario Reporter use scenario as the base point and does not separate step from each other which is sometimes more convenient for BDD users.
Enabling StepReporter:
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "com.epam.reportportal.cucumber.StepReporter"})
public class RunCukesTest {
Enabling ScenarioReporter:
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "com.epam.reportportal.cucumber.ScenarioReporter"})
public class RunCukesTest {
Copy you configuration from UI of ReportPortal at User Profile
In order to start using of agent, user should configure property file "reportportal.properties" in such format:
rp.endpoint = https://demo.reportportal.io
rp.username = default
rp.api.key = 5145b879-83d9-4692-8b07-928cc4b2af7a
rp.launch = default_TEST_EXAMPLE
rp.project = default_project
rp.attributes = TAG1;TAG2;key:value
rp.keystore.resource = reportportal-client-v2.jks
rp.keystore.password = reportportal
User should provide next parameters to agent. These are only examples, for the actual list of parameters please look into client-java repository.
Parameter | Description | Required |
rp.endpoint | URL of web service, where requests should be send | Yes |
rp.api.key | API key of the user. | Yes |
rp.launch | The unique name of Launch (Run). Based on that name a history of runs will be created for particular name | Yes |
rp.project | Project name to identify scope | Yes |
rp.enable | Enable/Disable logging to ReportPortal: rp.enable=true - enable log to RP server. Any other value means 'false': rp.enable=false - disable log to RP server. If parameter is absent in properties file then automation project results will be posted on RP. | No |
rp.tags | Set of tags for specifying additional meta information for current launch. Format: tag1;tag2;build:12345-6. Tags should be separated by “;”. There are one special tag- build – it should be used for specification number of build for launch. | No |
rp.convertimage | Colored log images can be converted to grayscale for reducing image size. Values: ‘true’ – will be converted. Any other value means ‘false’. | No |
rp.mode | ReportPortal provides possibility to specify visibility of executing launch. Currently two modes are supported: DEFAULT - all users from project can see this launch; DEBUG - all users except of Customer role can see this launch (in debug sub tab). Note: for all java based clients (TestNG, Junit) mode will be set automatically to "DEFAULT" if it is not specified. | No |
rp.skipped.issue | ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values: TRUE - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on ReportPortal. FALSE - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application. | No |
rp.batch.size.logs | In order to rise up performance and reduce number of requests to server. Default = 10 | No |
rp.keystore.resource | Put your JKS file into resources and specify path to it | No |
rp.keystore.password | Access password for JKS (certificate storage) package, mentioned above | No |
Launch name can be edited once, and should be edited once, before first execution. As usual, parts of launches are fixed for a long time. Keeping the same name for launch, here we will understand a fixed list of suites under launch, will help to have a history trend, and on UI instances of the same launch will be saved with postfix "#number", like "Test Launch #1", "Test Launch #2" etc.
If mandatory properties are missed client throw exception IllegalArgumentException.
The client uses standard java proxy mechanism. If you are new try Java networking and proxies page.
Ways to set up properties:
a. reportportal.properties file b. command line properties (-Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost)
There are two way to load parameters.
- Load from properties file
Properties file should have name: “reportportal.properties”. Properties file can be situated on the class path (in the project directory).
If listener can’t find properties file it throws FileNotFoundException.
- Use system variables
Client loads properties in the next order. Every next level overrides previous:
a. Properties file. Client loads all known to him properties (specified in the "Input Parameters" section) from "reportportal.properties" file.
b. Environment variables. If environment variables with names specified in the "Input Parameters" section exist client reload existing properties from environment variables.
c. JVM variables. If JVM variables with names specified in the "Input Parameters" section exist, client overrides existing ones from JVM variables.
- URI - saves story URI to be sent to ReportPortal afterwards
- Feature - notifies ReportPortal that some feature has started
- startOfScenarioLifeCycle - Runs before-* hooks for the scenario
- scenario - notifies ReportPortal that scenario has been finished
- Before - used to finish previously started hook
- step - collects step to be sent to ReportPortal afterwards
- Examples - generates data being sent to ReportPortal to report examples table
- background - notifies ReportPortal that before-* hooks have been finished
- Match - notify ReportPortal that next step of current scenario is started
- Result - notify ReportPortal that step has finished and after-* hooks should be started (if any)
- After - notify ReportPortal that after-* hook has finished
- Embedding/Write - sends log to ReportPortal
- endOfScenarioLifeCycle - notifies ReportPortal that after-* hooks of scenario has been finished
- eof - notifies ReportPortal that test feature execution is finished
- done - IS NOT processed by ReportPortal agent
- close - notifies ReportPortal that test execution is finished
- SyntaxError - IS NOT processed by ReportPortal agent
- ScenarioOutline - IS NOT processed by ReportPortal agent