This is version 1.4.0 of the Research Software Directory as a service. Main improvements are:
- allow deep linking to software or project pages for a specific organization
- allow custom order of markdown pages in the footer
In addition it contains many small bug fixes and improvements.
This release requires an update to the database. A migration script from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 can be found at: https://github.com/research-software-directory/RSD-production/blob/main/database-migration/migration-scripts/1.3.0-to-1.4.0.sql .
This version is production ready. If you starting a new RSD instance (without historical data) you can use docker-compose.yml provided in the deployment.zip file.
Bug Fixes
- #259 deduplicate creators and contributors during import from DOI (dbb481c)
- #503 avoid reload on token refresh on edit software pages during editing (26d562b)
- #507 apply background color to list summary to fix overlay issue in FF (1b3866f)
- #508 avoid additional api calls when token is refreshed during editing project (233d371)
- adapt frontend to the new database structure (63a1092)
- add functionality to find a mention by its full DOI URL (aecfa17)
- add info button to project pages next to Research Domains in sidebar (f039d90)
- add info link to project edit page in sidebar for research domains (06dc978)
- add no items message to tesimonials list (a080ada)
- admin pages patch page positions after one page is deleted (7e5ea62)
- avoid form reload on token refresh during editing organisation settings (53d7f2c)
- detect inital change in project url and include in save (03e3dd8)
- extract licenses without rightsIdentifier from DOI (28503c0)
- generate more data by default, dont't exit on failure to download an image but print warning instead (7c64932)
- preserve form input on token refresh for custom markdown pages (bfd78cc)
- show warning about unsaved changes when the form is dirty. (3b8d579)
- the database allows an organisation to have multiple roles for a project (27f7851)