K2 SDK is a typescript SDk which can be used to interact with the K2 Lending protocol.
To install the SDK use the command npm i @blockswaplab/k2-sdk
One of the ways to import and initialise the SDK is:
import { K2 } from "@blockswaplab/k2-sdk";
const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("goerli", {
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(PRIV_KEY, provider);
const sdk = new K2(signer);
Please note that the SDK is an
based SDK and hence requiresethers
based signer instance. It also returns values inethers.js
supported format. For example, it returnsBigNumbers
for the smart contract view functions that might returnuint
The SDK exposed following sub-classes:
The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the utils
class of the K2 SDK.
This function can be used to append 0x
towards the start of a string to convert it into a hex string accepted by the contracts. If the input string already contains the 0x
, the function will return the string as is.
data: string which needs to be appended by 0x
await sdk.utils.add0x(data);
Returns hex string
This function removes 0x
from the beginning of a string. If the input string doesn't contain 0x
, it will return the string as is.
data: string to remove 0x
await sdk.utils.remove0x(data);
Returns string without 0x
in the beginning.
This function can be used to generate a liveness reports of the software being run.
middlewareAPI: API endpoint of the middleware
await sdk.utils.generateLivenessReport(middlewareAPI);
Returns a liveness report. Here's a sample liveness report:
"rpbsSelfAttestation": {
"signature": {
"z1Hat": "6404105216342bd57fa13ea8...310b519feb117f9e25087fe584f2",
"c1Hat": "1e4b7e54b1ba032ef94f2b89...b6ef01c823e20454c1166fb9aa19",
"s1Hat": "1d4a3c56bf2be321d0a6aac4...7a19ed3082b21c94357e16885278",
"c2Hat": "16755d115768ef6ebb0c45d...f4b9ffe0126b599d5d486f5574653",
"s2Hat": "1140c70f8b38105aca1d465...3bbe9f89dbc00da6646c48aa5eaa1",
"m1Hat": "6404223e9396cce38a9bf6a...48d0df6055de44898ecd0e0004ca4"
"commonInfo": {
"numOfValidatorsOnline": "8",
"numOfValidatorsOffline": "2",
"totalValidators": "10"
"publicKey": "630409260df6b583400e97...42db0603ca1fe7766d45ac42f6c0"
"eventType": "LIVENESS",
"version": "1",
"eventData": {
"numOfValidatorsOnline": "8",
"numOfValidatorsOffline": "2",
"totalValidators": "10",
"proposedSlashing": "0"
This function can be used to get the info from the middleware endpoint.
middlewareAPI: API endpoint of the middleware
await sdk.utils.getMiddlewareInfo(middlewareAPI);
The function returns info related to the middleware API. Here's an example of the info:
Once the liveness or the corruption report has been generated, it needs to be verified before submitting it to the reporter registry. To verify the report, verifyReport
function should be used.
middlewareAPI: API endpoint of the middleware
report: Liveness or the corruption report returned by the respective function
await sdk.utils.verifyReport(middlewareAPI, report);
The function returns a verified report which contains the liveness report or the corruption along with a signature valid for 20 minutes. Here's how a verified liveness report looks like:
"inputs": {
"rpbsSelfAttestation": {
"signature": {
"z1Hat": "6404105216342bd57fa13ea8...310b519feb117f9e25087fe584f2",
"c1Hat": "1e4b7e54b1ba032ef94f2b89...b6ef01c823e20454c1166fb9aa19",
"s1Hat": "1d4a3c56bf2be321d0a6aac4...7a19ed3082b21c94357e16885278",
"c2Hat": "16755d115768ef6ebb0c45d...f4b9ffe0126b599d5d486f5574653",
"s2Hat": "1140c70f8b38105aca1d465...3bbe9f89dbc00da6646c48aa5eaa1",
"m1Hat": "6404223e9396cce38a9bf6a...48d0df6055de44898ecd0e0004ca4"
"commonInfo": {
"numOfValidatorsOnline": "8",
"numOfValidatorsOffline": "2",
"totalValidators": "10"
"publicKey": "630409260df6b583400e97...42db0603ca1fe7766d45ac42f6c0"
"eventType": "LIVENESS",
"version": "1",
"eventData": {
"numOfValidatorsOnline": "8",
"numOfValidatorsOffline": "2",
"totalValidators": "10",
"proposedSlashing": "100000000000000000"
"signedReport": {
"slashType": "0",
"debtor": "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8",
"block": 9819746,
"signature": "0x3634303432336464663333323864663263623136393239373137626261356634353366323963396637623832313062343537633436633237363731383938303230386533306432346662636537316531333061366538663364346161333731616461646464653639663834346163316464616365386363663562626632653561633166643a313838333339343262373434633436323232343865323862346465353963613930633639366530623538633336393433666362643566386136383361656461653a306631316464373530393337306632316339393534643063373432313338303632323931323734393961373961386663376633353963643434353439306363353a323631363139626337656338306630613863663333643836643430373062636465313262383138303632653437396236333235623836396438323066343933633a313662383438646230666533303561363366353061346633613661383963613165326531616165626363653630363431623865633931643438323439363335343a363430343136373630313961363065396135336563323766303835363638336433653039396130616331643938376665633165636464383663636536633866643438363232306237373165643464303836343730376334666436386631386363663831333135643533303531373964346237346233363530343933346164306130326163",
"amount": {
"type": "BigNumber",
"hex": "0x016345785d8a0000"
"identifier": 1
"designatedVerifierSignature": {
"deadline": 9819746,
"v": 27,
"r": "0x3a61148c3a2fdd3a9fe2c6133bbddf579333a630663f0c19dce8ecfb62484392",
"s": "0x1b4f68b48c177edf8f10f1f382cfb0c73920ecac7ed564e82909d57f119b3a11"
This function can be used to verify effective balance of a BLS public key.
report: Effective balance report of the BLS public key of the following format:
"blsKey": "<BLS_PUBLIC_KEY>",
"effectiveBalance": "<EFFECTIVE_BALANCE>"
await sdk.utils.verifyEffectiveBalance(report);
The function returns signature after the report has been successfully verified and error otherwise.
The SDK also exposes the contractInstance sub-class which provides an instance for contracts used in the K2 lending protocol. These instances can be used to call smart contract functions that may or may not exist in the SDK.
- k2LendingContract
- k2LendingDepositor
- ReporterRegistry
- nodeOperatorModule
const k2LendingContractInstance = await sdk.contracts.k2LendingContract();
const k2LendingDepositorInstance = await sdk.contracts.k2LendingDepositor();
const reporterRegistryInstance = await sdk.contracts.reporterRegistry();
const nodeOperatorModuleInstance = await sdk.contracts.nodeOperatorModule();
All the contract instances can be directly accessed without any input parameter.
The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the k2Lending
class of the K2 SDK. This class exposes all the important functions from the K2 Lending protocol.
This function allows anyone to get the debtor related information just by the debtor address.
debtor: ETH address of the debtor
await sdk.k2Lending.getDebtor(debtor);
Returns data of a particular debtor.
Get the kETH address.
await sdk.k2Lending.getKethAddress();
kETH address for the respective network.
Get the borrow duration set by the contract.
await sdk.k2Lending.getBorrowDuration();
Borrow duration in BigNumbers.
Get the DAO address associated with the contract.
await sdk.k2Lending.getDAOAddress();
ETH address of the DAO.
Get the proposer registry ETH address.
await sdk.k2Lending.getProposerRegistry();
ETH address of the proposer registry.
Deposits KETH into the pool and mints pool shares to the sender.
amount: amount of kETH to be deposited
await sdk.k2Lending.deposit(amount);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Deposit kETH for another ETH address.
amount: amount of kETH to be deposited
recipient: ETH address to deposit kETH for
await sdk.k2Lending.depositFor(amount, recipient);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Burns shares from the sender and returns the equivalent fraction of remaining KETH liquidity. Optionally, sends all KETH accrued by the lender.
amount: amount of kETH to be withdrawn
claim: true
for claiming accrued kETH
await sdk.k2Lending.withdraw(amount, claim);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Claims all of the accrued KETH for the lender and sends it to the lender's address.
lender: ETH address of the lender
await sdk.k2Lending.claimKETHForLender(lender);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Deposit node operator in K2 lending protocol.
blsPublicKey: BLS public key of the validator
payoutRecipient: ETH address of the recipient that would receive payout
blsSignature: BLS Signature associated with the BLS public key
ecdsaSignature: ECDSA signature
await sdk.k2Lending.nodeOperatorDeposit(blsPublicKey, payoutRecipient, blsSignature, ecdsaSignature);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Withdraw node operator from the K2 Lending protocol.
nodeOperatorAddress: ETH address of the node operator
blsPublicKey: BLS public key string
await sdk.k2Lending.nodeOperatorWithdraw(nodeOperatorAddress, blsPublicKey);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Kick node operator from the K2 Lending protocol.
reporterAddress: ETH address of the reporter
blsPublicKey: BLS public key
await sdk.k2Lending.nodeOperatorKick(reporterAddress, blsPublicKey);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Claim ETH earned for all the BLS public keys associated with a node operator.
blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to claim for
await sdk.k2Lending.nodeOperatorClaim(blsPublicKeys);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Slash KETH from the pool. This function can only be called by a reporter.
slashType: the slash type (liveness & corruption) debtor: the debtor address amount: the slash amount recipient: the recipient address
await sdk.k2Lending.slash(slashType, debtor, amount, recipient);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Terminate debt position
await sdk.k2Lending.terminate();
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Liquidate debt position.
debtor: ETH address of the debtor
await sdk.k2Lending.liquidate(debtor);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Top up kETH if it gets slashed.
amount: amount of kETH to topup
await sdk.k2Lending.topUpSlashAmount(amount);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
Borrows KETH from the pool and records the debt to the debtor's address
debtPositionType: debt position type designatedVerifier The designated verifier of debtor amount: The debt principal to borrow maxSlashableAmountPerLiveness: Maximum slashable amount per liveness maxSlashableAmountPerCorruption: Maximum slashable amount per corruption
await sdk.k2Lending.borrow(debtPositionType, designatedVerifier, amount, maxSlashableAmountPerLiveness, maxSlashableAmountPerCorruption);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
External hook contract. Set to address(0) to disable the hook
hookAddress: ETH address of the hook contract. Set to address(0) by default
await sdk.k2Lending.setHookAsDebtorForSBP(hookAddress);
Transaction details if the transaction was successful.
The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the k2LendingDepositor
class of the K2 SDK. This sub-class contains all the important functions from the K2 Lending depositor contract of the K2 Lending protocol.
This function can be used to get the kETH vault address registered with the contract.
await sdk.k2LendingDepositor.getKethVaultAddress();
ETH address of the kETH vault.
This function can be used to get the K2 Lending contract address.
await sdk.k2LendingDepositor.getk2LendingContractAddress();
ETH address of the K2 Lending contract.
This function can be used to deposit tokens to the contract.
tokenAddress: Token address to deposit into the contract
amount: Amount of tokens to be deposited
await sdk.k2LendingDepositor.deposit(tokenAddress, amount);
Transaction hash if the deposit was successful.
The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the reporterRegistry
class of the K2 SDK. This sub-class of the SDK exposes all the functions from the reporter registry contract of the K2 Lending protocol.
This function can be used to get the contract address of the K2 Lending pool.
await sdk.reporterRegistry.getk2LendingPoolAdress();
Returns contract address.
Check the contracts if the reporter is active.
reporter: ETH Address of the reporter
await sdk.reporterRegistry.isReporterActive(reporter);
Boolean, true
if active, false
Check the contracts if the reporter has rage quitted or not.
reporter: ETH address of the reporter
await sdk.reporterRegistry.isReporterRagequitted(reporter);
Boolean, true
if rage quitted, false
Check if the reporter has been already used or not.
reporter: ETH address of the reporter
await sdk.reporterRegistry.isReportUsed(reporter);
Boolean, true
if already used, false
Register a reporter to the reporter registry contract. The msg.sender
will be registered as the reporter.
await sdk.reporterRegistry.registerReporter();
Transaction details if the transaction is successful.
Check if the reporter is operational and can perform reports. An operational reporter is the one that is active and hasn't rage quitted.
reporter: ETH address of the reporter
await sdk.reporterRegistry.isReporterOperational(reporter);
Boolean, true
if reporter is operational, false
Function to submit multiple verified reports in a single transaction.
reports: List of verified reports of the following structure:
slashType: SlashType;
debtor: string; // Borrower address
amount: number; // Amount being slashed
identifier: number; // Unique ID to avoid double reporting
block: number; // Block number
signature: string; // Blind signature being reported
reportSignatures: List of signatures (designatedVerifierSignature obtained after verifying the reports) of the respective reports. Each signature follows the following structure:
v: number; // version
r: string; // x coordinate of the curve
s: string; // y coordinate of the curve
await sdk.reporterRegistry.batchSubmitReports(reports, reportSignatures);
Transaction details if the transaction is successful.
Calculate typed hash of report struct.
report: verified report of the following structure:
slashType: SlashType;
debtor: string; // Borrower address
amount: number; // Amount being slashed
identifier: number; // Unique ID to avoid double reporting
block: number; // Block number
signature: string; // Blind signature being reported
await sdk.reporterRegistry.reportTypedHash(report);
hash string
report: Verified report obtained from the verifyReport
function, of the following structure:
slashType: SlashType;
debtor: string; // Borrower address
amount: number; // Amount being slashed
identifier: number; // Unique ID to avoid double reporting
block: number; // Block number
signature: string; // Blind signature being reported
reportSignature: Signature (designatedVerifierSignature obtained after verifying the reports) of the respective report. The signature follows the following structure:
v: number; // version
r: string; // x coordinate of the curve
s: string; // y coordinate of the curve
await sdk.reporterRegistry.isValidReport(report, reportSignature);
Returns true
if valid, false
The following readme describes all the functions and their parameters exposed by the nodeOperatorModule
class of the K2 SDK. This sub-class contains all the important functions from the K2 Node Operator Module contract of the K2 Lending protocol.
This function can be used to get the k2 Lending contract address set in the K2 Node operator module contract.
await sdk.nodeOperatorModule.getk2LendingContract();
ETH address of the k2Lending contract.
This function can be used to get the reporter registry contract address set in the K2 Node operator module contract.
await sdk.nodeOperatorModule.getReporterRegistryContract();
ETH address of the Reporter registry contract.
Report multiple BLS keys for kicking from K2 pool.
blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to kick
effectiveBalances: List of effective balance in string for respective BLS public keys
designatedVerifierSignatures: List of verifier signatures of the format SignatureECDSAT (defined in the K2-SDK) for the respective BLS public keys
await sdk.nodeOperatorModule.batchNodeOperatorKick(blsPublicKeys, effectiveBalances, designatedVerifierSignatures);
Transaction details if the transaction is successful.
Batch node operator claims must come with an effective balance report.
blsPublicKeys: List of BLS public keys to kick
effectiveBalances: List of effective balance in string for respective BLS public keys
designatedVerifierSignatures: List of verifier signatures of the format SignatureECDSAT (defined in the K2-SDK) for the respective BLS public keys
await sdk.nodeOperatorModule.nodeOperatorClaim(blsPublicKeys, effectiveBalances, designatedVerifierSignatures);
Transaction details if the transaction is successful.
Check whether a kick due to effective balance is valid
blsPublicKey: BLS public key to kick
effectiveBalance: Effective balance in string for the respective BLS public key
designatedVerifierSignature: Verifier signature of the format SignatureECDSAT (defined in the K2-SDK) for the respective BLS public key
await sdk.nodeOperatorModule.isValidReport(blsPublicKey, effectiveBalance, designatedVerifierSignature);
if report is valid, false