Gopack CLI is instant package downloader for Go Programming, if you use Gopack CLI you can download your favorite package library with very easy, just play the keyboard and select the package you need, wait a while until your package is installed and Gopack CLI also supports installing multiple modules at the same time.
$ npm install gopack-cli -g or yarn add gopack-cli -g
- Easy to use
- Instant initialize
- Support installed multiple Go module up to 50x package library at the same time and max 100 package
- Support installed new different Go module, after installation Go module previous success, up to more than 10x and max 15
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Usage: gopack [options] [command]
-v, --version show version cli app
-h, --help display help for command
init initializing go module
search search go package library
help [command] display help for command
If you select package library and after installation package is not installed in your go.mod
or If you search package library name is not available, because Gopack CLI is directly connected to Godoc API and Godoc API is outdated.
- package library deleted from owner
- package library not available on server and you must install package library manual
Testing Via Local
npm test or make test
Testing Via Local And Build
make build
Testing Via Docker
docker build -t gopack-cli or make dkb tag=gopack-cli
For information on bugs related to package libraries, please visit here
Want to make Gopack CLI more perfect ? Let's contribute and follow the contribution guide.