Modify or merge NDJSON files
This command-line utility transforms and merges locally stored files in NDJSON format. The resulting files can then be imported into a remote Resurface database.
Download executable jar:
Merging two files while removing duplicates:
java -DTRANSFORM_DUPLICATES=drop -DFILES_IN=source1.ndjson.gz,source2.ndjson.gz -DFILE_OUT=results.ndjson.gz -Xmx192M -jar resurfaceio-transformer-3.6.3.jar
Randomly shuffling unique calls across the last year:
java -DTRANSFORM_DUPLICATES=drop -DTRANSFORM_RESPONSE_TIME_MILLIS=shuffle:1y -DFILES_IN=source.ndjson.gz -DFILE_OUT=results.ndjson.gz -Xmx192M -jar resurfaceio-transformer-3.6.3.jar
FILES_IN: comma-separated list of files to use as input
FILE_OUT: resulting file to be created (must not already exist!)
TRANSFORM_INTERVAL_MILLIS: keep|drop|randomize:<time>
TRANSFORM_RESPONSE_TIME_MILLIS: keep|drop|add:<time>|subtract:<time>|shuffle:<time>
^ where <time> is <integer><unit>
and <unit> is 'y' (year), 'm' (month), 'w' (week), 'd' (day), 'h' (hour), 'n' (minute), 's' (second)
- Java 17
- resurfaceio/ndjson
If you want to call this utility from your own Java application, add these sections to pom.xml
to install:
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