CBM needs your help. If you are a programmer and if you wants to help a nice project, this is your opportunity.
CBM was imported from some tarballs from Debian Project[1]. After this, all patches found in Debian project and other places for this program were applied. All initial work was registered in ChangeLog file (version 0.2 and later releases). CBM is packaged in Debian[2] Project.
If you are interested to help CBM, read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
[1] http://snapshot.debian.org/package/cbm/ [2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cbm
The Color Bandwidth Meter (CBM) is a small program to display the traffic currently flowing through the network devices in a simple curses-based GUI. The traffic for all interfaces include values as receive, transfer and total Bytes/s or bits/s (or its multiples as KB/s and Kb/s).
It is useful for Internet or LAN speed tests, measuring the velocity of a link, to establish a benchmark or to monitor your connections. CBM can be used with virtual, wired or wireless networks.
Nowadays, CBM is maintained by volunteers.
CBM depends of libncurses to build.
To build and install, run the following commands:
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
To return to original source code, you can use '$ make distclean' command.
On Debian systems you can use '# apt install cbm'.
CBM was originally developed by Aaron Isotton aaron@isotton.com under GPL-2.
Currently, source code and newer versions are available at https://github.com/resurrecting-open-source-projects/cbm