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Building Energy Retrofit Lab

Data and code from the Building Energy Retrofit Lab at the University of Cincinnati

Popular repositories Loading

  1. bps-feasibility bps-feasibility Public

    Code for the paper "Evaluating the feasibility of achieving building performance standards targets"

    R 1

  2. ashrae-1836-rp-text-mining ashrae-1836-rp-text-mining Public

    Data and code for the paper "What we talk about when we talk about EEMs: Using text mining and topic modeling to understand building energy efficiency measures (1836-RP)."


  3. ashrae-1836-rp-categorization ashrae-1836-rp-categorization Public

    Data and code for the paper "Developing a standardized categorization system for energy efficiency measures (1836-RP)"


  4. measure-naming-best-practices measure-naming-best-practices Public

    Data and code for the paper "An EEM by any other name: Best practices for naming energy efficiency measures"



Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • ashrae-1836-rp-text-mining Public

    Data and code for the paper "What we talk about when we talk about EEMs: Using text mining and topic modeling to understand building energy efficiency measures (1836-RP)."

    retrofit-lab/ashrae-1836-rp-text-mining’s past year of commit activity
    R 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Sep 20, 2023
  • measure-naming-best-practices Public

    Data and code for the paper "An EEM by any other name: Best practices for naming energy efficiency measures"

    retrofit-lab/measure-naming-best-practices’s past year of commit activity
    R 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated May 3, 2023
  • bps-feasibility Public

    Code for the paper "Evaluating the feasibility of achieving building performance standards targets"

    retrofit-lab/bps-feasibility’s past year of commit activity
    R 1 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Apr 9, 2023
  • ashrae-1836-rp-categorization Public

    Data and code for the paper "Developing a standardized categorization system for energy efficiency measures (1836-RP)"

    retrofit-lab/ashrae-1836-rp-categorization’s past year of commit activity
    R 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jan 2, 2023