The unofficial list of published ministry names
Name | Acronym | Sector |
Agriculture and Food | AF | Natural Resource Sector |
Attorney General | AG | Justice and Safety Sector |
Children and Family Development | MCFD | Social Sector |
Citizens' Services | CITZ | Governance Sector |
Education and Child Care | ECC | Education Sector |
Emergency Management and Climate Readiness | EMCR | Justice and Safety Sector |
Energy and Climate Solutions | ECS | Natural Resource Sector |
Environment and Parks | ENV | Natural Resource Sector |
Finance | FIN | Governance Sector |
Forests | FOR | Natural Resource Sector |
Health | HLTH | Health Sector |
Housing and Municipal Affairs | HOUS | Social Sector |
Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation | IRR | Natural Resource Sector |
Infrastructure | INFR | Economy Sector |
Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation | JEDI | Economy Sector |
Labour | LBR | Economy Sector |
Mining and Critical Minerals | MCM | Natural Resource Sector |
Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills | PSFS | Education Sector |
Public Safety and Solicitor General | PSSG | Justice and Safety Sector |
Social Development and Poverty Reduction | SDPR | Social Sector |
Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport | TACS | Economy Sector |
Transportation and Transit | MOTI | Economy Sector |
Water, Land and Resource Stewardship | WLRS | Natural Resource Sector |