This is a way to manage MFA for single users with Azure p1 licenses MFA ADMIN TOOL
This is only configured for a single tenant, so if you manage multiple tenants you'd have to close and open and login with admin credentials based on that tenant Requirements: Modules: azure ad This script will install the required modules if they're not.
How to use: Right-click the file and run with Powershell Or load the script in your favorite Powershell editor, ie powershell ise or visual studio code
Requirements: must have an email address
Check if MFA is enabled, and if so what type is configured
Enable MFA - Turns on MFA for a user
Enforce MFA - Enforces MFA for user
Disable MFA - Disables MFA for a user
Reset MFA - Resets MFA methods and requires to re-register for MFA
Revoke MFA - Revokes all tokens and sessions and requires MFA to be configured again