My first vue.js Full-Stack project
This was a learning projet, i was ask to build a to-do-list using vue.js. 👩🎓 👨🎓
In the assets folder you can find a pdf with all the requierements ask.
npm install
npm run serve
node api.js
npm run build
npm run lint
- Vue.js
- Vuex
- Bootstrap vue
- Vue-Router
- Mongoose
- Express
- body-parser
- axios
- Core-js
This toDoList is a full stack project, all ToDos are store in the collection by using Moongosse, and use it's how API
- You can add a todo
- You can delete a todo
- You can change the state (todo: true or false)
- You can see the detail of the collection
- etc...
Project is: finished